Most voted "html" questions
Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related exclusively to the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the main markup language used to structure web pages and format content. The latest revision of the HTML specification is HTML5.
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viewshow to identify a collision between a moving random div and one that I’m moving
<div id="player" class="circleBase "></div> <div class="saida circleBase" id="saida1" title="saida 1"></div> <div class="bouncer circleBase" id="bouncer1"…
viewsJavascript error [Object Htmldivelement]
I do not know what to do to have the correct result with this code. Because whenever I have checked it returns me this result. I tried to make use of the document.querySelector. But the error…
In my app, I have a vertical menu (desktop view) and I need it to turn into a horizontal menu (when the view changes to mobile) Follow below the codes HTML <nav class="sidebar-menu">…
viewsButton to update the text in a search field but entering several values in sequence?
With this code we can send a single value to the search field. Now, taking this example, how do we insert more values in sequence with the same button, for example: value 1, health, fun, yesterday…
viewsauthEmailPassButton is null
i am developing a firebase authentication, but when clicking to log in nothing happens, when I look through the browser console displays the following error: 'Typeerror: authEmailPassButton is…
viewsShow JS for loop output
I am learning Javascript and am having trouble showing on the screen the loop of numbers placed inside the inputs. function contar(){ var inicio =…
viewsHow do I take this scroll off the screen and make it responsive?
People how do I take this Scroll that appears when I open this page on smaller screens? I would like to leave it responsive tbem and with the login card in the middle of the page with margin top and…
viewsHow to delete items from HTML using Javascript
I’m doing an exercise where I have to create a list of items using HTML and a function to delete items from the list. The function must use the Submit input to delete the entire HTML item without…
viewsLimit the maximum value of an input number and at the same time show that value in an input text
I have a form where for each type of expense there will be a limit value to be sent by the user. What I am using in my form is the type of the expense (being an option), the amount of the expense to…
viewsHide button if label value for X
I created a page that generates a verification code for the person when they click on the "Generate" button, so the page refreshes and the code is shown, how do I make the button on this page only…
viewsHow to read the {1x2} JSON Jquery key
Gentlemen, excuse my ignorance but how can I read a JSON key that starts in number, example: "1x2": { "outright": false, "interwetten": { "odds": { "1": 6.4, "2": 1.55, "X": 3.95 }, "bookmaker":…
viewsPHP Notice Code Error: Undefined variable: Connection in C: xampp htdocs admin Register.php on line 283
The following errors appear when opening the table page: Notice: Undefined variable: Connection in C: xampp htdocs admin Register.php on line 283 Warning: mysqli_query() expects Parameter 1 to be…
viewsCustomization and z-Index
I searched here for the site and ended up not finding the one that satisfies my doubt. I have two boxes, where one is behind the other. After I click on a button, I would like the z-index to change…
viewsVuejs: no-unused-vars
I have a simple code in Vuejs and I need to import a component. I took a look at the documentation and looked it up online, but I can’t see where I’m going wrong. From what I understand, just use…
viewsHow do I place an eye icon that can reveal or hide password inside the input?
How do I make to replace the button of Ver ou ocultar senha by an eye inside the Password input (at the end of the right side)? I’m not very good at front-end and remembering that attribute title…
viewsCSS: top bar aligned
I need the h6 "BI" stand next to mine span menu, but with considerable spacing. I tried to do with div and li, but anyway, "BI" ends up below the span. .topnav { background-color: #111; overflow:…
viewsSwap site root directory with htaccess
How to make sure that when a person accesses the site, the . htaccess recognizes that the site is on /site instead of /, /website where it will contain all the files of the site. And when accessing…
viewsLimit the amount of html css characters
I made this input html + css and it’s okay, I just don’t want to limit the number of characters to 10, I tried the maxlength="10" but does not answer. Someone can help me? <div…
viewsPass inputs from one page to another in php
Hello, I’m studying php, and my teacher asked to Create a PHP page containing a form with 3 fields. After clicking on SUBMIT, on the second page assemble a new form with another 3 fields. After…
viewsCode only works for one of the divs
Hello, I am starting to learn programming now and I need help to solve a little problem and I have a problem that I believe is easy to solve. This is the problem: function Antes() {…
viewsphp - Open another screen with the HTML table value
I need to click on the ID value of an html table and open another page (novapag.php) making echo of this value I clicked, I’m new and only know a little of php and HTML <?php session_start();…
viewsTaking a TD value from an HTML table to feed a PHP variable
I’m developing a web system. In this system I have tables with many columns since they are a lot of information, to reduce this I selected the most important information to be displayed and put in…
viewsAngular 9 + error when passing variable in direct html function
Guys, I have a question about a mistake that I don’t understand why. I have a function that I run by a click, this function has to pass a single value and is passing(tested via console.log).…
viewsHREF Setting Button Color
I have a fa-icon basic and want to apply a link in it to redirect to facebook. but when I added the property href, it changed the color of the button leaving blue, as in the image below: my code:…
viewsWhy isn’t my form accepting accents?
I created a form with php sending the data to my email, but the data that contains accents get distorted and bad to read. Example: "Frog test number 29" PHP code: $destinatario =…
viewsHow to concatenate without changing the existing content
My goal is that by clicking the gray button adding a postit without changing what is already there, using the loop and += to concatenate will change what is already there, I wonder if there are any…
viewsBackground: url() will not
I want to add an image to my page, I’ve tried it in two ways, with background: url(img/girl.png); and background-image: url(img/girl.png); The photo is on the right page, the photo is in the correct…
viewsHow do I place a text on the same line as a bootstrap Collapse button?
<div> <p>TROCO</p> <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseExample" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample">…
viewsRequest ajax does not declare Session
I have a login system with Ajax+PHP with languages running on different servers. On the same server works perfectly, but in this mode, the request occurs but the Session is not declared (I need it…
viewsHow to center a menu?
I picked up this menu on the following website: Left Slide Menu with Icon, and I’d like to center it on my blogger. It was pre, I can put it at the bottom of the blog, but I wanted it at the center…
viewsProblems with php variables in HTML <span>
I am trying to assemble a form sender, to expedite my life and not have to pick up a file in Word and have to change several fields in various documents with the same data. I used a PDF to HTML…
viewsView values submit to controller with post
I am quite beginner in MVC and was here as a question: In view I have: <form id="form1" action="/Jogo/ExecutarAcao" method="post"> <input type="radio" id="banana" name="opcao"…
viewsHow to exchange an image inside a div for javascript
I need to change the image inside the div if the width of the screen is less than or equal to 991. I’ve done the code below, but it’s not working, I need to know where I’m going wrong and how to fix…
viewsQuery and display JSON data according to url parameter
Hello everyone, I really need your help!!! I need to display data from a Json on a page (< p >, < H1 > etc...), according to the url parameter. My Json is like this: { "outputName":…
viewsHow to delete repeated numbers within a Javascript array?
I’m a beginner in Javascript and wanted to overcome the doubt about how to delete repeated numbers within an array. The solution I want to create is to make: User type 10 numbers (without repeating)…
viewsCan you create a Bookmark without the id attribute?
Well, I have this doubt because I have read several articles from certain websites and many of the authors do not place the attribute id in the elements what ends up happening is that if you find…
htmlasked 4 years, 6 months ago felipe cardozo 275 -
viewsLink does not return to page. previous
Hello. I’m a beginner in programming and I’m having problems with a website. I added some pages to a "One Page" site, but the links to these additional pages do not return to index.php, with the…
viewsCompleted combobox in the edit form
how do I load this combobox filled in the edit form with the chosen value during registration? <label for="tipo_lancamento">tipo de lancamento</lable> <select…
viewsLine breaking
Hi, I created a chat on my website using Firebase. But I don’t know how to make this message be saved along with line breaking. In the image above I am using the textarea to write the message. More…
viewsForm with dynamic inputs in JS and PHP - I’m only getting the last field
I am creating a return form, with a button to add more products if the customer needs, but when the customer fills more than one product, I am only receiving in the email the last product. I believe…
viewsHTML validation der Jquery mask
Guys I have an ASP.NET MVC screen using Razor, which in Edit return data that has already been saved for editing. In one of my fields is of type (decimal) use to save monetary value. This field when…
viewsHide/Display a div
Good night, you guys. My problem is to hide/show a div. I’m still studying and training and could not solve this problem. I have the following html code: <div class="celulares"> <table>…
viewsselect brings up input and select fields
Staff need that the field of imput appears and the field select with the status when the user selects your area of action if he selects Academic, Other or I’m not from Areá da Saúde not appear that…
viewsLink inside a div with onclick
I have a div that when clicked displays an Alert to the user, but within this div there is also a link that when clicked directs the user to another page, more when I click on this link it displays…
viewsHow to limit the amount of characters that one input text assigns to another in Javascript?
Dear ones, researching about my question, I found something similar in ONLY in English, but I still can’t limit the characters that the "Title" input duplicates in the "Material Code", even though I…
viewsI am unable to run this command line due to an error in php but n know which one!
Error that appears: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in C: xampp htdocs developed rs_alpinismo salva_mensagem.php:5 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C: xampp htdocs…
viewsHow to resolve Templatesyntaxerror in Django?
This is my code snippet, and as you can see, I close the block at the end, but I keep getting the bug {% extends "encyclopedia/layout.html" %} {% block title %} Edit page {% endblock %} {% block…
viewsAlign contents of div
I have the following layout: I would like to align the images next to each other, but with the text always at the top. Is there any solution to this problem other than a resolution with position:…
views"Uncaught Referenceerror: Function is not defined" DOM error
my intention of this code is to open a different menu for each image I click, however this command is not happening (I will leave the whole code only as a precaution) HTML: <!-- imagens de…
viewsHow to link a . php file to an HTML page?
The pages on my site are built like this: index.php (this is a file that only has "requires", that requires .php pages that have HTML, these pages will mount the page in question) one of the index…