Most voted "html" questions
Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related exclusively to the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the main markup language used to structure web pages and format content. The latest revision of the HTML specification is HTML5.
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viewsProblem when correctly rendering a select HTML
I have the following tag select: <select asp-for="@Model.EstadosServicos" asp-items="Html.GetEnumSelectList<EstadoServico>()" id="tipo" class="form-control"></select> that creates…
viewsReactive Forms Ionic 4, data call
I used ngModel to take data from an api and move to a form, where the user typed the zip code and obtained the data, but as it will be discontinued, I will switch to reactive Forms, now I’m having…
viewsTake the rest of the decimal places and perform a conversion
I am very layman in javascript, but I think you can do this in this language. I tried it in a very trivial way, but I did not succeed. Basically I have a system that converts the amount into kg for…
viewsHow to get these points out
I made a navigation bar but at the beginning of each "links" has this point <nav class="bar"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Phones</a></li> <li><a…
htmlasked 5 years, 2 months ago user169404 -
viewsProblems aligning the banner in the center
I’m working with Parallax and I’m not getting the img src of div header lined up in the middle, I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve tried to touch the margin, but nothing happens. Someone can help…
viewsrunning php problem
Hello, I have the following problem: I created an input and the values that are typed in it, when pressing a button should be sent to an array in my ". php". The problem is that in addition to not…
viewsNeed to leave an image with link in the bottom right corner
I’m making a real estate website, and I need to leave a Whatsapp icon that redirects the user to the site owner’s Whatsapp. However I need her to be Sticky, stay in the bottom right corner and stay…
viewsHow do I display a message below my form without redirect? NOTE I do not use database
<?php if(isset( $_POST['Nome'])) // Vai adicionar o elemento $name = $_POST['Nome']; // Vai enviar o elemento if(isset( $_POST['E-mail'])) // Vai…
viewsSystem.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument.Body.get returned null
I am creating HTML elements by C# using Webbrowser, I am not using the URL property, just using pure code. When I try to use this command: this.webBrowser1.DocumentText =…
viewsHow to sum all data from a table
I have the 'orders' table where all the orders that were made are, I would just add all the orders and show on the screen. In the example above I have 8 orders, on the screen will simply have…
viewsDiv Relative Inside tag Center Inside Div Fixed
I want to leave paginations in the center of the div and grow centrally, but this div has to be fixed so I thought to leave inside another div relative inside other relative does not fit with the…
viewsSpace between needless animals
Good, I was creating two Divs when I came across this space... I’ve been looking for the code for everything that is creating this space but I can’t find, it was supposed to be for him or there...…
viewsHow to reload an HTML table and its data after the click of a button using javascript?
I am making a form in HTML and at a certain point add some information and step to an Array in javascript through an onclick function on a button and after that I would like the information that is…
viewsCSS inverted curtain effect
Good Basically I want to do the curtain effect backwards, I’ll make it clear in the prints! When the person passes ( on Hover ) I wish I had a darker curtain and that went up, that is to say I would…
viewsQueue schema for PHP code
Good afternoon guys, I’m having a question/need that I haven’t found how to do. I have a code that I use to run several Cnpjs through the Sintegra API, where with the result returned by this I feed…
viewsAre animations the same thing as transitions?
I am studying CSS With some difficulties to understand some things the question is animations are equal to transitions or similar? Example 1 <style> div { width: 100px; height: 100px;…
viewsdiv under the contents
Hello i have two Divs one which is the carousel and the other which is the side-menu but even though both are in display block the carousel div is over the div of the secondary-Manu, I wanted to…
viewsFill array table
Hello, I’m developing a web project but I can’t get the desired result. I have a php file that returns me an array of vehicles and my Index calls this file to get this array through ajax. When…
viewsHow to assemble a reactive fomulario through an input radio?
You guys can help me? I built a radio component and depending on the value of it will be rendered a new form, follow my HTML <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-4 center-zone"> <msp-radio-group…
viewsOrganizing fields of formulary
I am new in programming, I wanted to know how to organize the fields of my following form so that both the label and inputs are aligned, and that equal interest fields, such as (name and surname),…
htmlasked 5 years ago Rickkdinho 21 -
views -
viewsProblems with Json and local Storage
I’m learning to use javascript, I’m following a tutorial,I’ve reviewed the code, it looks identical, but it just doesn’t save. After I update the page which I delete or added does not keep, back to…
viewsHow to upload files to the server?
I have the following html and php code running on my server, however, whenever I try to upload a file, I get the message "There was an error uploading the file, Please Try Again!" and I can’t…
viewsI need help, I can’t get this script to work
I wanted to make the effect of that video: If anyone can help me, I’d appreciate it. * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { height: 200vh; background: #111;…
viewsProblems in the identification of the div
I am trying to make a list of tasks to be simple where you have inserted tasks dynamically, there is a checkbox in each task that when being checked puts a line-through in the text, but in doing…
viewsAssign the value of an input to a php variable
Guys, I have this code and I need to assign the value of select to a php variable. How do I do that? <form name="form-avaliacao" method="post" action="confirmacao-avaliacao.php">…
viewsAlign icons and text in a list
I’m using the fontawesome to put some icons in a web project I’m doing and I needed to add a <ul>, And on that list, there’s going to be icones and in front of a writing, I’d like those…
viewsCSS - H1 Does not align in the center
Hello! I made a code in which my logo is an H1 and I want it to always align in the center of the screen. For some reason he doesn’t come out on the left side, I don’t understand why. Can you help…
viewsChange another class (CSS) noscript
Hello, in the code below I want to change the class color selected image when passing the mouse in the class images. The code example works by hovering the mouse on area_de_images, editing failed…
viewsOpen a Blank page with an image when clicked from the Database (PHP)
I am able to list in HTML all the images saved in my database, but I would like to click on any, open a Blank page with the image, but I do not know what to put in href, because the image data comes…
viewsProblems with menu and Iframe
I’m having trouble with the menu, it’s not fixed, and when the iframe of the scrool appears a border at the end of the iframe <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport"…
htmlasked 5 years ago galaxyplay1234 13 -
viewsHow to search accentuated text, upper case, and minuscule text with html and javascript?
Can someone help me, with some hint? I have the code below that searches the paragraph, but the problem is when we do not add the text correctly in the search box (with uppercase, lowercase and…
viewsCreating a JS animation with SVG using HTML and CSS
I’m starting studies with SVG and trying to understand an example I can not run it correctly, the HTML/CSS/JS parts were demonstrated and I made the connection of these parts, but it didn’t work...…
viewsHow do I bring records from the database by clicking on the checkbox using jquery and ajax?
Well, I can bring you data from the bank using ajax, but I want you to click on input of the kind checkbox, he performs the database query and shows me the data inside a flexbox. I have 10 checkbox,…
viewsI’m trying to upload a file with ajax but I’m not getting: "Undefined index: file in"
Form: <form id="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="arquivo" multiple/> <br> <br> <input type="submit" id="linkTest" value="Consultar">…
viewsHow to place an image in a link in the footer?
Hello, I would like to link an image of the Linkedin icon with my profile link, to place it in the footer and align it to the center of the footer. What the code would look like? footer#rodape {…
viewsHow to add elements from a table based on a parameter
My table: <table class="tabela_finan table table-bordered mb-0"> <thead class="thead-dark"> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>O.S.</th> <th>Data</th>…
viewsUse function in datatables
I have this function of form when placing the price, automatically replaces the zeros for the values placed and keeps the fixed point: $(function() { $('.Preco2').maskMoney({ decimal: '.',…
viewsHow to display the contents of the array by changing the structure ID dynamically?
I am trying to display the array products, however, I cannot change the Ids dynamically so that all products are displayed. So far, I can only display 1 product, because the ID is fixed, as shown in…
viewsHow to leave values already filled in the input (VUE Js)
I’m doing a simple CRUD, with Vue, Node, Mariadb. In the update part, I don’t know how to take the user values and leave already filled. (I’m beginner) <div> <p>Nome</p> <input…
viewsEmail verification works, but then doesn’t "update" when I type and email correctly
When I type an already registered email it displays the message saying that the email is already in use and disables the Ubmit button, but when I type the right email the message does not disappear,…
viewsPlace image to represent file depending on CSS extension
Good evening, it is possible to customize the appearance of a file displayed depending on the type of extension (docx, pdf, xlsx) with CSS? For example, I display my files that are in a directory…
viewsHow to show/hide a sidebar based on screen size and push a button?
I built a custom sidebar for my dashboard. Inside this sidebar, I have some menu items. When my screen is small, I make all menu options disappear, and show you a specific menu option. This specific…
viewsPass as parameter a screen field
Good afternoon guys, I would like some help. I am new in this area and I ended up taking a project in a methodology that I do not know well yet. I have a project in MVC and needed the following…
viewsHelp with Jquery field validation
I did the following function for form validation in Jquery, but it got a bit big, and I have +50 fields to validate, someone knows some way to reuse this same function for the other fields without I…
viewsJoin a cell from an html table [closed]
My table is like this But I wanted the total value in a single cell not to be separated into several total values. Exp: Date|Name|value 2020-02-12|a|1.00€ 2020-02-12|b|1.00€ Total Value|2.00€ Code:…
viewsHow to leave the image on the left and the text on the side
Good Afternoon, I’m doing flexbox using the IGN Brasil site as inspiration and I want to do something like this: Where the image is on one side and the content is next to it, I tried to use display:…
viewsHow to bring in Razor a Dropdown with the element already selected from a database?
I created a register where an object has n elements and each of them is selected from a Dropdown, the registration works perfectly but when I edit the Dropdowns do not show the selected item…
viewsDisplay JS variable in HTML
Speak people, I have a js variable that counts the number of points based on a questionnaire, it counts the points correctly, just do not know how I can display this variable value in my html,…
viewsCookie is not being created
Guys, I have the following script: <script> $(document).ready(function() { window.setInterval(function() { $(".anuncio iframe").iframeTracker({ blurCallback: function() {…