Most voted "html" questions
Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related exclusively to the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the main markup language used to structure web pages and format content. The latest revision of the HTML specification is HTML5.
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viewsPlay video from a playlist according to date and time has how?
hello i am creating a system webtv/playlist have the following html code : <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <video id="player-video" controls…
viewsPull Url of the variable in window.location.href
I’m creating an Electron application where I have a field that the person inserts a url and when she clicks on the submit is directed to that url. My html is like this: <body> <form…
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viewsLocal login validation
I need to do a login validation without database, that is, with the arrays I pass, but I don’t know how to check if there is an item inside an array. NOTE: I have tried using the in_array. PHP…
viewsThe result is always the same, as if the conditions were equal
<div> <p>qual seu pais de origem?</p> <input type="text" name="pergunta" id="pergunta"> <input type="button"…
viewsHow do I find the table field name instead of the ID when I write the data to my table?
function cadLancamentos(adquirente, formadepagamento, valorformadepagamento, cupomformasdepagamento) { var tb = document.getElementById("dtAdquirente"); var…
viewsI can’t get my script to add more fields to my html form
Hello, I need a help, I have the following HTML code where there is an input field for the user to enter the meter and a select where he selects the type of service, however he may need more fields…
viewsHow to create HTML form elements with javascript button and functions? and then turn the data into JSON
I am creating a simple form where after completed will generate the content declaration of the post office and shipping labels automatically, but sometimes there are more than 1 product to be added…
viewsHow do I make sure that when I receive a numerical value in the table, it is converted into R$ currency?
Example: in the Table field "valor", if she gets this 587644, she must be converted to 5.876,44. Someone there can help me? HTML code: <div id="dfPessoas"> <form name="fPessoas">…
viewsTags With Different Sizes
Image 1: A Hello, World Viewed in Chrome Click on the image to view it in its original size Image 2: Same Hello, World Being Viewed on Chrome Devtools Device Click on the image to view it in its…
viewschange color of various elements with the same id with javascript
I would like to know how to change the color of my cards , I have several cards with the class "card", and I made a button that when clicking changes to a simple light mode ,and I wanted the cards…
viewsMake dynamic calculations in JS and display in a PHP list
I’m setting up a ordering system and within it, I’m showing the products I have registered. So far no problems. Within this list, I need to dynamically calculate the quantity input with the value…
viewsDiv with max-content width does not break line
I’m trying to create a container whose maximum width is proportional to that used by the internal text itself (so I used the max-content), however, when the width of the screen is less than the…
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viewsOne BUTTON to save data from all Foms!
I have an extensive form with some tabs and in each tab there is a form with "post" method. I would like to create a "finish" BUTTON in the last tab that saved all the data entered in all form form,…
viewsI need to make a button that gets the values that are inside a td
I need to get the value that is inside product-id. </thead> <tr> <td> <button onclick="loading('carregando');" produto-id="70056057210" type="button" class="btn btn-info…
viewsSimplify function in JS
I wanted to know how to simplify this function by having two different modals, it is possible ? // Modal Carrinho const abrirModal = document.querySelector('[data-modal="abrir"]'); const fecharModal…
viewsWhy is the input type number reset when I have a value starting with "-"?
I have a input in which I am trying to prevent the user from typing two minor symbols in a row, example: --155,5 My goal is to clear or remove one of the minor signs and remain the inputado value…
viewsLogica de incrementar posição com php para o html
I have this command. PHP $id = 0; $i = 0; $vali = true; $top1 = 0; $top2 = 20; $px = 'px'; $query = "select * from software where userid = '$id'"; $result = mysqli_query($conexao, $query); $quantia…
viewsI made a code and I cannot identify the error. I am new in the area of programming
The 'program' is this: function verificar() { var país = document.getElementById('querochora') var res = document.getElementById('res') if (país != 'Brasil') { res.innerHTML = 'Você é estrangeiro.'…
viewsBreak the DIV into 3 or more with columns of different sizes
What is the best practice to get around this image problem below? .flex-box { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-flow: wrap; } .container-box { background-color:…
viewsAdd option in a select in original order
Hello, I have a function that allows you to remove and reset options from a <select>, the "problem" is that when it comes to readjusting the option it goes to the end of select instead of…
viewsInsert Multiple Data from a Dynamic Form into MYSQL
I don’t have much knowledge in PHP and I have a form where the user has some fields to fill and write in the SQL database, and a field of this form will be dynamic where the user can add as many…
viewsAlign elements on top of other html css
Good morning, I need to align the two date fields that are below with the two top fields. What’s the best way to do this? According to the image, when I give margin left auto no span it is not…
viewsDecrease and improve code
I need to create 5 waves with text inside and the waves have to have a move to extend/contract when clicking, the code I made the only way it works is if I click in order, otherwise it gets messy. I…
viewsUpdate the HTML table using Jquery and PHP
I’m still new to this area of Web programming, I’m managing here, I have a code that performs the ping test of some hosts and returns whether they are online or not. However I saw in another code I…
viewsSquare does not appear in my CSS code
I’m taking my first steps in html and bumped into my first puzzle. In this small "portfolio" that I am doing I tried to add the image of a square , I had already done some tests and worked very well…
viewsHow to change the text of "Read More" in blogger’s HTML (blogspot)?
I would like to change the text of "Read More" that is in each blog post to the same thing, only in Portuguese, since my entire blog is in Portuguese, but I can’t do from the Layout tab and in the…
viewsBackground-image does not appear
I hosted three images to put in my page as background-image of header, footer and in an img tag, but they do not appear. I put it this way: .rodape{ background-color: #000; background-image:…
viewsHow to use materialize Feature Discovery only on first page access?
Well, I have Feature Discovery in my js file that way: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.tap-target').tapTarget(); $('.tap-target').tapTarget('open'); }); function closeFeatureDiscovery() {…
viewsI need help with this javascript and html cd, there is no return of values from "Function Calc(x)" to "Function total(num1, num2, X)"
What was the mistake? I was doing a calculator project where I used "onclick" and each button gave a number from 1 to 4. In the method "Total(num1, num2, X)" I used parameter-by-position, the result…
viewsI wanted to know how to pass a record of an array from one php page to another and then to an sql table
I would like to know how to pass a record of the array of a php page to another php page that will then give an Insert in the corresponding table in the database, I am beginner in php and have tried…
viewsRemove HTML or body border
I need to remove these edges (which I highlighted in green) that are in my extension. I want there to be nothing there or at least to be transparent so that the box-shadow have effect and stay round…
viewsElement does not respond to Selenium click (Python)
I am recently working with Selenium in Python and facing a problem in my automation: Selenium identifies the element (either by xpath or any other way), but at the moment of clicking, the element…
viewshow do I create a button to increment one more
Good morning, I’m new with javascript and I’m having a hard time creating a button where mine always changes my H2 to +1, follow my code: <body> <script src="script.js"></script>…
viewsHow to put a fixed and responsive card on top of the map?
I’m trying to fix a card on top of the google maps map... but I don’t know how to fix and get responsive too... My versions Ionic: Ionic CLI : 5.4.16 Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.9.9…
viewsSlick carousel
Hello, I was using Slick as a pluggin to create a carousel and my carousel has 5 white Divs on desktop and I wanted in mobile those 5 white Divs disappear, I used the display: None; but when I’m on…
viewsHow to show Yes and No instead of 0 and 1 in java?
I’m caught in this problem, I need to show Yes and No in the xhtml table instead of 0 and 1, the return type in get and set is Bigdecimal and the shapes I tried always end up breaking or not running…
viewsHow to apply a style to the html of a text selected from a textarea field?
Hello, I have a question about how to create an action (button) that when clicking on it will be applied initially a style to a selected text within a textarea field. Yes it is like those same…
viewsenable Eventlistener from an html checkbox does not work
I am trying to make a checkbox that, while activated, it activates a < class >, and when deactivated it returned to normal. Talking about what I’m trying to do, is a button that activates a…
viewsHow do I include text with the result in my innerHTML modal?
I made a function that calculates the value received by an input and generates a result that should be shown in a modal, the modal appears with the title and the cute span, but the p with the result…
viewsMautic insert image into Email body
This is the message I sent to several sites: nothing yet.... I am a user with little experience in the use of mautic and I already have a big problem to solve by attending an Ong that works with…
viewsThe background of my page mismatches with different browser window size
Good afternoon, I am making a page with HTML + CSS and I have the following problem: I am programming with the screen divided between the VSCODE and the browser, and set the background of the body…
viewsMy variables are not being counted in the code
I’m creating a page for the user to enter an amount of numbers and stop only when he type the number 0, right after that, would open an alert telling the amount of numbers the user has typed, how…
viewsAssign value from a JS variable to an HTML element?
Next, I assigned a value to a button, and passed to my function through the onClick. Only now, I’d like to take that amount that’s in index and input my modal... How can I do this? My button that…
viewsIs there a possibility of knowing when a field bursts width?
I am with a doubt, I have a site style IFOOD, it contains a part of complements for the products, in the products there are the description, so I passed the description to the pop-up of the…
viewsShow one button and hide another
Good morning, I’m trying to create several buttons that show other buttons. I’m trying to make that by clicking on a button show the content and clicking on another button the contents of the…
viewsRemove background from text
Hello I was making a transparent title and I wanted inside the text to see the background but not the background of the box. In other words, inside the letters you could see the background image but…
viewsShow/Hide Div
I’m having a hard time searching more than one div using Javascript I’d like to know if there’s a way to hide several div’s without having to copy the same JS code. I made it HTML: <button…
viewsChange the color of a parent element in a table
I’m trying to change the color of a parent element, in my case I want my tr to change color if my input is selected, but with css not working, someone has come across this situation? .control:focus…