Most voted "html" questions
Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related exclusively to the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the main markup language used to structure web pages and format content. The latest revision of the HTML specification is HTML5.
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viewsHow do I concatenate a parameter (String) into an Object path to access a Response?
Hello, I’m trying to access a path coming from Sponse based on the name of the parameter I send via Onclick (I’m using Angularjs for this). I can’t concatenate the received parameter in the path of…
viewsAdding icon in css
I’m making a website at work where I needed to make a bootstrap boot, with a "see more" style when clicking to open the card and the button turning "see less", the ways I found bugged the button if…
viewsVariable JS inside html tag inside Laravel Blade
I need to make the value collected in the option, complete the action of my form. It would be something similar to this idea, but is not returning the desired. <form class="form-horizontal"…
viewsUse date without creating page loop
I have a page that makes queries by dates, with the date selected the page returns me the result, until then ok, but then the client requested to keep the date as a history so that he did not need…
viewsDisable Event-based Inputs Radiobutton Click
Good morning, everyone! I’m developing a system for creating evidence, and I’m creating a screen to edit questions that are already saved in the database. When selecting the question there are two…
viewsI would like to make the Hover effect apply to the entire div, not just the writings
Just like it’s on this website: .white { color: #ffffff; } .god_susano { border-bottom: 3px solid #e6b800; } #gods_border { border: 1px solid gray; width: 129px;…
viewsButton Submit closing modal
Hello! I created a modal to call the login inputs. But when I click "Login" on the Ubmit button, if it is empty or with incorrect information, it closes the modal and does not show me error message…
viewsReactapp syntax error
Good evening, I need to make a website for the web matter, but I came across the following syntax error, which I have no idea what it is, I’m still beginner. Main component import React from…
viewsAlign search bar vertically to image
Come on, I’m trying to line up a search bar, only I don’t know how to do it right, it’s been a while since I got to use HTML with CSS, at the moment ta like this And I need this search button to be…
viewsCreate multiple dynamic Lis columns with flex-Direction: column; leaving the first child with width proportional to the number of columns
Goal: Create multiple dynamic columns of lis, but the first child has to have the width of 100%. Problem: The first child is breaking all the columns of lis ----------------------------------------…
viewsHow to make an image mapping responsive?
<img id="Imag" usemap="#Calculadora" width="100%" height="auto" src="Calculadora.png"> <map name="Calculadora"> <area class="mapa" onclick="teste()" coords="252,953,647,1379"…
viewsHow to stop an interval with clearInterval and continue it later?
I’m making a code to make a typing game: by typing the word correctly the user gains an extra time in the time being decreased and gains 1 point, and loses if he reaches 0s. For example: if you get…
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viewsIs it possible to download the link page displayed in the onclick input?
This is the div with the input that displays the link! <div> <input type="text" class="mb-5 form-control" id="linkIn" readonly> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary"…
viewsLine breaking problem in bootstrap
I have a bootstrap slide that would like to add 2 lines and each row would have 3 elements. Then to see the rest of the elements, the person would have to click the arrow and pass to the side. My…
viewsVideo does not appear when I build the project
I created a site using Reactjs, and in the initial part I put a background video and a text in front, when I open the site Reactjs in my machine the video appears normally without any problem, when…
viewsSearch for particular record(s) (s) does not perform table filtering using JS
I have a table that lists all purchases made from certain products from your suppliers. The following field inserts the product(s) (s) sought(s)). <p> Procurar produto do fornecedor: <input…
viewsTag "a" is ignoring the css style of the image
I found a problem that occurs whenever I try to put a link redirector in an image. It turns out that the attributes of the css like Scale, :Hover and etc, work normally, but the image size changes.…
viewsHow can I present the result of the hits on another page?
function checar() { var questao1 = document.quiz.questao1.value; var questao2 = document.quiz.questao2.value; var questao3 = document.quiz.questao3.value; var questao4 =…
viewsCombo box with Maximo and Minimo
I need to create a combo box using a maximum and minimum amount for each row of my table based on a stock quantity record. But I have no idea where to start. Today my code is like this: function…
viewsTake value in Currency and remove "." and "," from an input field?
When the person enters the value in the input field with "." and "," I take this amount and leave only number, I am doing this using the "focusout" method. Because this way when the person type the…
viewsHow do I print the conditions results inside the php index?
I am doing so and when it is to print the result(After the user selects the Submit in another index), nothing appears. It is empty. WHERE IT RECEIVES DATA VIA POST FROM THE RADIO TYPE FORM AND SETS…
viewsSelect HTML using database data is empty
I did select and in the database when register the value of select saved normally, but at the time of selection is not displayed. CODE <label…
viewsChange one Select from another by triggering the second’s "onChange" event using JS
I have two problems, I made a function to check by the class of selects all your children in the block, so when I change the first option has to change all the others in cascade. Problems: (1) ->…
viewsError returning dynamic form
I want to create a dynamic form but I get the following error: javprogram.js:377 Uncaught Typeerror: "#retorno3". html is not a Function At Object.Success (javprogram.js:377) at fire…
viewsPrevent user from typing street type
My form has a drop for TYPE OF BACKYARD (Alameda, Avenue, Way, road, etc. the list is not large and could be included manually within the if) and an input to enter the NAME OF THE BACKYARD. I need…
viewsHow to copy the contents of a table to the clipboard
Good night. I’m trying to create a script that copies the text of <td> by clicking on it. Since the complete table has more than 2000 lines I am trying not to put commands directly into…
viewshide and show div of each column
Hello, I’m making a display page of customers registered in the database, I made a page where displays all the information registered in the database, more would like to hide all content by default…
viewsHow to invert rows and columns in an HTML table populated by the return of a query?
I need to fill a table in my HTML page with data returned from a database query. The problem is that the TABLE tag fills in line by line, from left to right. In the layout I need to use, I need each…
viewsI’m having difficulties in ajax to return
To be well explained.. I’m starting now in the world of js and ajax.. I am making a code that create options of available times when click the button.. everything works normal in strings…
viewsWeird execution of "Drag and Drop"
I’m trying to do several div have the "drag and drop" function. This code works in a way that you can add and remove divs dynamically (not yet integrated into the code). The code works fine, but…
viewsParagraph within flex-item overflowing
I’m doing a flex layout and in the paragraph inside the article, the text is not getting inside the card but is overflowing. What’s wrong with my code? HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html…
viewsSimple doubt in JS - imput to textarea
I have a question to know if I can continue a project I got ready but this with some problems. the problem is that the whole project is returning to the values that are inserted into the HTML by the…
viewsIs it possible with CSS to make each letter of a word have a different color?
.two-colors{ font-size: 160px; background: linear-gradient(to right, blue 50%, green 0); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color:…
viewsI’m having an error Cannot read Property 'classList' of null at initialModal, but I don’t know how to resolve
The thing is, I’m a layman at programming, but I’m doing a website, and in this case, all you have to do is pop up, so you can book an appointment at a hair salon. I am following the following video…
viewsHow do I get two numbers typed by the user via form and send to a function that will pick a random value between them in React
At the moment my code is like this, but it’s very messy, although I think it’s possible to understand the intention. The question is: How do I get two numbers typed by the user via form and send to…
viewsInvalid JS token
I’m having problems with a calculator design done in JS. On a specific line it says that an unexpected token has been found. I already went to Github of the course and checked their final file, and…
viewsSelect dependent textarea or textbox
Hello guys I’m a beginner in the area and I need to make a textarea or textbox dependent on a select (Reason field) that is every time you select an iten from the list it fills the textarea or…
viewsPopulate multiple html input with table information
I have a JSP with table with multiple rows and two columns. I have ten input lines where I want to play cell 0 and cell 1 in item1 and descr1 of the first input. By clicking on the next row of the…
viewsI made a Carousel of several images next to each other that is not responsive on smaller screens
So I was putting together a project where I made a Carousel with vehicle brands where I use four images on each slide, which on the computer screen is right but when you go through the phone to view…
viewsfopen: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Hello I’m starting to learn PHP, and I created an HTML input that receives a TXT file that should be read in PHP but I’m having difficulties in reading the input file, which returns me the following…
viewsHow to read XML with PHP
Hello I’m starting to learn PHP, and I created an HTML input that receives an XML file that should be read in PHP but I’m having difficulties, I’m using the simplexml_load_file more when I call the…
viewsquerySelector e querySelectorAll
I’m not sure how to solve a point of an exercise. I have a JS function that expands a text within a div. In the first div it works normally, but in the following nothing happens. how I make it work…
viewsDate Component in American Standard in Angular
I have a Datepicker in my form that entering the date manually, the component is waiting for a date to be in American format and ends up with error. Selecting the date by the component itself, works…
viewsPHP- How to pass an id through a modal window
I’m not getting an id to a modal window. Could help me? I’m using a table, which lists all the names and CNPJ’s of registered customers. I created a loop, to show in each row of the table, the…
viewsMask.js:5 Uncaught Typeerror: v_fun is not a Function
I am using a JS script to customize masks on inputs within forms. A file mask.js is being loaded into the pages, containing the following functions: function mascara(o,f){ v_obj=o v_fun=f…
viewsHow to turn Document.write into column
I’m trying to make an HTML calculator in Javascript. I already made the calculator, but I’m having trouble passing the results to HTML text. I tried to put in Document.text, but it gets all stuck.…
viewsView data from fetch array in modal - PHP
I’m making a task application with database, in which data is stored in a mysqli_fetch_array and listed in a loop while. When I click on a expand button, which has in the task structure (code…
viewsChange image according to specific date
Hello, I have a website where appears such an image according to changing time. Only now I need this template to display such a specified image on a given date until such date. For example. In this…
viewsMandatory checkbox when pressing button
I’d like to place a checkbox obligatory html below the payment button of my website, I would like the person to be able to continue the purchase only if he or she marks the terms of use, otherwise…
htmlasked 4 years, 1 month ago Vinícius Lodi 1