How to put a "page" opening on a piece of the page?


Viewed 78 times


In the example of Datepicker, when someone clicks on input date, open the calendar down correct. How can I do this ?

In my case I have a page that only has a calendar made by me, is a specific calendar, but I would like when someone clicked on a button open a "modal" with the Datepicker!

1 answer


You can use the .show("slow") and .hide("slow") of jQuery to display and disappear with your div. Below is an example code, and here jsfiddle.


<input id="seuInput" type="text" />
<button id="fechar">fechar</button>

<div class="seuDatePicker"></div>


/*inicialmente a div vem com display: none o que 
deixa ela oculta inicialmente*/
.seuDatePicker {        
    display: none;

    /*atributos utilizados somente para ilustração*/
    border: 1px solid black;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;

    /*O position: absolute, evita que se houver conteúdo a 
      baixo da div o mesmo seja jogado para baixo */
    position: absolute;


/*Pega o evento de inicialização*/
$(document).ready(function () {

    //seto o evento de click no input
    $('#seuInput').click(function () {
        //quando houver um click no input ele exibira sua div

    //seto o evento de click no button
        //quando houver um click no input ele sumira com sua div

  • Ahhhh great idea! I know some things of Jquery but I do not have to use! I will try to do and then put here the result. vlwwww

  • beauty.. hope it helps you :DD

  • 1

    has a small problem here, if there is content below the input it will be played down.

  • 1

    Well noticed @Tobymosque .. I will add an improvement on the above code :D

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