How to remove backslashes ( ) and quotes (") from a string?


Viewed 25,883 times


I would like to prevent the use of these characters in a string. I think the most elegant way would be by regular expression, but I don’t understand anything about putting together a.

A replace would also help.

  • Can be more specific and give an example where you have a "" in a string?

  • It was a very specific case where a user registered information in the spreadsheet with this bar there. When I was importing it was a mistake. It seems it was a typo, but I must warn you.

2 answers


To test if a string has \ or " can do so:

/[\\"]/g.test('Olá\ bom dia'); // dá true
/[\\"]/g.test('Olá "bom dia"'); // dá true
/[\\"]/g.test('Olá bom dia'); // dá false

To test you can use this on the console of this page:

var st = $('#question-header a').text();
/[\\"]/g.test(st); // true

In regex I used [\\"] and the modifier "g" that serves for more than one event. If you just want to know "whether there is or not" you can take it. Straight parentheses create a list of characters to search for, and dento has the bar (which has to be escaped, hence 2), and quotation marks.

To remove these characters, can do so:

string.replace(/[\\"]/g, '');

If you want to test with the console of this page do this on the console:

$('#question-header a').text().replace(/[\\"]/g, '')
  • Using lists is very advantageous not to have to escape the escape that is escaping another escape ( \\ ). ^_^

  • Sergio did not understand how I can use this expression to actually remove the characters. Can help me?

  • 2

    @Joaopaulo, my distraction, I did not see that I wanted to remove! You can do so: string.replace(/[\\"]/g, '') I’ll edit in response

  • 1

    @Joaopaulo Dai, to remove just use the method replace with this Regex for '' and maintain the /g to replace all occurrences

  • @Sergio, to replace a bar "" by two " ", as it would be?

  • @Joaopaulo can put here the example of what he wants to do?

  • When you send js via ajax pro controller of C# it gives an error in a string in this format: "C: Documents Photo.jpg". To get around this error I want to replace the string to "C: Documents Photos photo.jpg" pro controller accept.

  • @Joaopaulo you are wearing JSON.stringify to escape these characters? this should solve the problem.

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Voce can use replace():

str.replace('Item a ser removido', "O que sera colocado no lugar");

in your case:

str.replace('"', ""); //para remover a (")
str.replace('\', ""); //para remover a (\)
  • 1

    Why are you removing two " instead of just one? And the backslash needs to escape in the string, the way it is is is a syntax error (try).

  • This method only removes one occurrence, for more occurrences it is best to use global regex

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