You missed closing parentheses and the semicolon after $_PC. Also your script tags need to be closed with </script>. Another consideration is that I found it strange that you call a line and then pass a resultset, even not knowing what your code does, the normal is that you iterate a resultset in a loop reading line by line. I suggest you turn on the PHP error view or set your development server to always display errors.
If possible, take the code, and post here, it’s easier to help
– MarceloBoni
You missed closing parentheses and the semicolon after $_PC. Also your script tags need to be closed with </script>. Another consideration is that I found it strange that you call a line and then pass a resultset, even not knowing what your code does, the normal is that you iterate a resultset in a loop reading line by line. I suggest you turn on the PHP error view or set your development server to always display errors.
– Antonio Alexandre