Receive only number in money field


Viewed 104 times


I’m looking for a td with jQuery.

var linhaTr = $("tbody").find("tr:first-child");

var tamanhoTd = linhaTr.find("td:nth-child(2)").text();

and he returns me for example R$ 5,00. But I need to get back to make calculations the value 5.00. Take out the R$ and change the comma per point...


I wonder if it is "Regular Expressions" that I need to capture the text in a special way, getting only a few things, I need to study this and do not know the name right.

2 answers


If the result is R$ 5,00 for example, an initial form may be:

var recuperado = "R$ 5.500,10";
var numero = parseFloat(recuperado.split(" ")[1].replace('.', '').replace(',', '.'));
console.log(typeof numero, numero);

Where the monetary signal is removed, renamed "," to "." and converted to numeric type.


If you want you can use regex, in this case it is to capture the important part in that string. It could be something like this (example):

var parteNumerica = string.match(/[\d\.\,]+/);

But you can just break the string and take out the numerical part as the @Lucas Costa mentioned. In this case it is even more important than the string have that exact format.

Then you can do it like this:

var parteNumerica = string.split(' ').pop();



var string = 'R$ 5.000,50';
var parteNumerica = string.match(/[\d\.\,]+/);
var numero = Number(parteNumerica ? parteNumerica[0].replace(/\./g, '').replace(',', '.') : 0);


var string = 'R$ 5.000.400,50';
var parteNumerica = string.split(' ').pop();
var numero = Number(parteNumerica ? parteNumerica.split('.').join('').replace(',', '.') : 0);

  • pop can be more elegant than accessing the index in this case :p

  • I would recommend using regex also in the point replace, because if it is a number in the millions the replace does not take all occurrences of the point. Thus: parteNumerica.replace(/./g, '). replace(',', '.'), would be sure that all point occurrences in the number would be removed

  • It didn’t work, the result is Nan

  • @Brunocabral I fixed, there was a bug. If it doesn’t tell you what the string you’re using.

  • @Gabrielweber well seen! corrected :)

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