How to build an Object with an Array inside, using Eloquent Laravel


Viewed 813 times


Hello folks I need to build a array as follows for a plugin:

var data = [{
    "label": "Follows",
    "color": "#aad874",
    "data": [
        ["Seg", 50],
        ["Ter", 84],
        ["Qua", 52],
        ["Qui", 88],
        ["Sex", 69],
        ["Sab", 92],
        ["Dom", 58]
}, {
    "label": "UnFollows",
    "color": "#7dc7df",
    "data": [
        ["Seg", 13],
        ["Ter", 44],
        ["Qua", 44],
        ["Qui", 27],
        ["Sex", 38],
        ["Sab", 11],
        ["Dom", 39]

I’ve tried a lot of things like:

$staticWeeks = self::statisticstaWeeks();

$staticsDays['Follow']      = [];
$staticsDays['FollowBy']    = [];

if(count($staticWeeks) > 0):
foreach($staticWeeks as $weeks):
array_push($staticsDays['Follow'], $weeks->ins_sta_follow);
array_push($staticsDays['FollowBy'], $weeks->ins_sta_following);

$staticsDays['Follow'] = $diasFollow = [
    "Seg" => (!empty($staticsDays['Follow'][0]) ? $staticsDays['Follow'][0] : 0), 
    "Ter" => (!empty($staticsDays['Follow'][1]) ? $staticsDays['Follow'][1] : 0), 
    "Qua" => (!empty($staticsDays['Follow'][2]) ? $staticsDays['Follow'][2] : 0),
    "Qui" => (!empty($staticsDays['Follow'][3]) ? $staticsDays['Follow'][3] : 0), 
    "Sex" => (!empty($staticsDays['Follow'][4]) ? $staticsDays['Follow'][4] : 0), 
    "Sab" => (!empty($staticsDays['Follow'][5]) ? $staticsDays['Follow'][5] : 0), 
    "Dom" => (!empty($staticsDays['Follow'][6]) ? $staticsDays['Follow'][6] : 0)];

$staticsDays['FollowBy'] = $diasFollowBy = [
    "Seg" => (!empty($staticsDays['FollowBy'][0]) ? $staticsDays['FollowBy'][0] : 0), 
    "Ter" => (!empty($staticsDays['FollowBy'][1]) ? $staticsDays['FollowBy'][1] : 0), 
    "Qua" => (!empty($staticsDays['FollowBy'][2]) ? $staticsDays['FollowBy'][2] : 0),
    "Qui" => (!empty($staticsDays['FollowBy'][3]) ? $staticsDays['FollowBy'][3] : 0), 
    "Sex" => (!empty($staticsDays['FollowBy'][4]) ? $staticsDays['FollowBy'][4] : 0), 
    "Sab" => (!empty($staticsDays['FollowBy'][5]) ? $staticsDays['FollowBy'][5] : 0), 
    "Dom" => (!empty($staticsDays['FollowBy'][6]) ? $staticsDays['FollowBy'][6] : 0)];

$follow = [(object)[
    "label" => "Seguindo",
    "color" => "#aad874",
    "data"  => $staticsDays['Follow']

$followBy = [(object)[
    "label" => "Seguidores",
    "color" => "#7dc7df",
    "data"  => $staticsDays['FollowBy']

$result = array_merge($follow, $followBy);

return json_encode( $result );

And yet you don’t return as I want.

  • Notice when to do "Seg" => "qualquercoisa" this will generate {"Seg": "qualquercoisa"} and what you want is ["seg", "qualquercoisa"] right? So instead of objects you have to create arrays with ["Seg", (!empty($staticsDays['Follow'][0]) ? $staticsDays['Follow'][0] : 0)]. Test that.

  • A tip nothing to do, but avoid using the alias to array(). Example $array = [ ]. Because it is only compatible from PHP 5.4.

  • Daniel Omine had already tried this, yet he came back an object

  • @Danielomine however Windows only works with Php 5.6 or higher, so you won’t have any problems

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