Download website with php


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good evening, I’m learning to code, and so I’m trying to make a copy of a site with login system, password, and various users, I’m trying to download because it’s one of the ways that I particularly use to learn and that works with me, I keep watching the code, seeing its functionality and searching to learn better, is there any way to download a site ready with php and tals?

3 answers


Download site is impossible, this would be due to a security breach, because it would give you access to internal data, such as database access configuration, etc...

You can download only the files generated by the script, in the format HTML, images, Javascript, etc....

You can find ready scripts.

  • 2

    Pow @Wéllingthon M. de Souza, nada é Impossible, ele pode usar o wget e baixar todo o conteúdo de um diretório (

  • But not the PHP code rs

  • 1

    yes, yes, download everything you have in the folder informed as it is on the server disk, already used here, it worked blzura

  • but @Mikaela Kleinkauf, if I know that you downloaded a website of mine, ririri, you will be sued for copyright infringement, eim...

  • 1

    @Armandomarquesnephew this way, with a simple ctrl + s you can also do... but the files that run on the server, which are processed, you can only download with access via ftp

  • Opa @Marceloboni when needed I used wget according to the vvl tip and worked round.

  • If you are starting to program, learn the most basic things. Login system is more complicated for those who are starting because if the code is "weak" qq a more understood can bypass your system.

  • 1

    There is no method to download a "site" or PHP script unless the server provides the file as plain text, not going through the PHP interpreter. If this were possible, challenge you to grab any wordpress site and download the wp-config.php file and view the password. What I recommend to the author of the question is to search for Open Source projects.

  • I do not intend to steal any site hahahah, HTML I already got the concepts well, I was trying to download just to learn PHP, then I was told that it would be good to take some site with login and password, to see how it is done and understand, I do not look for anything with database and stuff, I don’t want the password of anything hahahah, I think I go by the idea of Open Source hahahah, thank you very much ^^

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You don’t need to download a "any" website to learn these concepts. There are several systems ready, available for free, that already have this functionality incorporated and that you can study.

Two examples:

  1. Laravel is a PHP framework that already brings this functionality.

  2. Wordpress is a CMS that implements it in a way totally different.

You can download the systems and read the documentation to see how they work.


Downloading a website is not possible, but it is possible to get ready codes in many languages on Guithub.

With respect to PHP code, it is necessary to understand that PHP is a Server Side language, that is, it is executed by the server and can return the result in Client Side, as for example in HTML. Because it is run by the server, it is not possible to access the source code.

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