Most voted "jquery" questions
jQuery is a Javascript library focused primarily on DOM handling, event management and Ajax, seeking to free developers from directly dealing with a number of browser compatibility issues.
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viewsUse of jquery to pull records, but does not appear
I saw in a celke tutorial, select the BD using php and list the records using jquery. I can see you pulled the data, but when it comes to showing inside the span, it doesn’t. I wonder where I went…
viewsAdd class with Jquery when opening the page
Hello. I’m trying to make a monitoring center for the network computers. Each div will ping to an IP and then return ON or OFF. Then, with Jquery, I assign the value of the PHP variable and, if ON…
viewsPlace a bar at the end of the url (or before the query)
I implemented this script, language exchange (or unit exchange, in this case): /*Aqui ele coleta a seleção*/ $('#unidade').on('change', function() { document.getElementById('form_unidade').submit();…
viewsDisappear with an active list when you click on another
I created 3 lists in html, and I made a toggleClass so that the lists appear and disappear, but when I click on one and it opens, I would like all the other open lists to close... someone can help…
viewsHow do I download the contents of a div?
Hello! I have on my index: <div class="panel-body"> <div id="teste"></div> </div> and have in a JS file the following: function downloadDiv(filename, elementId, mimeType) {…
viewsHow to create a button with Javascript, which when clicking it advances to the next section?
I have a page with several <section> for each block of content, as in the example below: <style> section { width: 100%; height: 100vh; } .seta { position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 30px;…
viewsHow do I find out if the form was loaded into a variable or not?
Every time I’m messing with forms I usually create a variable to send date by ajax In the future, the problem is that I always curl up to find out if he collected the date or not, and needed some…
viewsHow to query a select that has two values?
I have a field that I type the reference code and it already selects automatic select to facilitate the life of the user who already knows the code. I have this select with two values in a list. I…
viewsJS code to give $('id'). Hide() and $('id'). show()
Good afternoon guys, all right? So I need a little help to make this code work. I basically need that when it is on the page "body" and that the class of the page is "courses" the div appear, and…
viewsHow to know which select option was selected after opening the modal?
I am using the routine below to work with various options of the same modal, this is the correct way to do? $(document).ready(function () { $("#btnok").on("click", function () {…
viewsClose submenus by clicking another
I have the following menu and would like that when a submenu is opened, any other submenu previously opened would automatically close to not "pollute" the sidebar, keeping only one submenu open at a…
viewsClock that changes color
i have the following code in Javascript function carregar() { var msg = document.getElementById('msg') var img = document.getElementById('imagem') var data = new Date() var hora = data.getHours()…
viewsType in an input and generate an acronym in the second input with 3 characters
Hello! I need help!! I would like to create an acronym for the client with 3 characters, when I type in the first input will generate in the second input, examples: "ABOBORA" generates "ABO",…
viewsAjax does not send data to PHP
I have the following code in Ajax: <script> $('#enviar').click(function() { let dados let filtros = document.getElementsByName('filtro[]'); let filtrosvalidos = [];…
viewsHow to change the text according to the image shown on the slide?
Hello. I am beginner in web Development. Follow my question: Although I was able to change the images, I cannot make that along with each image the content inside it is also changed according to the…
viewsdisable a field from a select value
greetings! I’m trying to do the following: in my select field has several values among them the other one that should only be used if the value is not in the field. and a text field coutro which by…
viewsNot displaying all array values on the screen
I made a call to get JSON values from an external code (PHP). In console.log, shows all the data right, but when I go from jquery to display on the screen, it only returns me the last value of the…
viewsPage reloading after click button
I have a problem after pressing a button on my page, using Jquery. After the click, a function should be done and then the result would be displayed on the screen, but I noticed that after clicking…
jqueryasked 4 years, 4 months ago Jujuba Dev 3 -
viewsHow to make text appear and disappear with Jquery
I’m learning html/css/js now, and I’m having a question that’s getting me serious. I am trying to create a button where, when pressed, hide the title (when it is showing) and make it appear again…
viewsKeep BD output when select with jquery
I have a form that shows the lines(departments) and the families(categories) of products. I’m trying to improve the register by populating the family combobox, so select the line, returning the…
viewsPick up values dynamically with Jquery
I have a foreach loop that fills the screen with information from users logged in to the system, name, type and ID. implemented a button with a textfield field to send messages to system users and a…
viewsMenu with PHP and Mysql
I created a navigation system for my site. See: <nav class="navegacao" id="navegacao"> <ul class="menus"> <li><a href="#">Categoria 1</a></li> <li><a…
viewsI cannot update a statically div via Jquery
Good afternoon, I wanted to keep static the text on the screen inside the div "msgemail", but it disappears soon after the validations. Can someone help me with my code ? Thank you. <!DOCTYPE…
viewsHow to search using jquery by TITLE attribute?
I hope this message finds you well. I have a jquery code that performs table searches in real time. This code searches this table for cell values, but I need it to search at the same time for values…
viewsjQuery Add class to dynamically generated element with click, but only on one of them and click on another, remove from the other elements
Hello, good evening friends, all good? I am studying and developing an All list,after adding an item(<li>) my <ol>, created an eventListener so that when you click on one of the items on…
viewsCreate fields dynamically in js
I’m dynamically creating a select in jquery. When I create select, I query a database table to load the values in select. Load the values correctly, but there is a problem. I’ll put an example of my…
viewsSeller javascript commission calculation
I’m developing a project and I need to calculate the commission. Example: (by typing the total value of the cervix has to give result of service cost in the second input and in the third input the…
viewssync slide of scrollbars of different sizes
someone has some insight on how to synchronize the finish of two existing scrollbars of different sizes on separate Ivs? <div id="div1"…
viewsFill in next fields from a populated PHP input or select
I’m new here and beginner in PHP, but I’m doing a project where I need to fill some form input with data coming from the database from an input or select already filled previously. My user database…
viewsButton can not mark radio button nor do right in div
good morning! I have the script below that is with two flaws: When I click on buttons the radio Buttons are not being marked When you click the button on the right, the ball moves to the left and…
viewsJquery function works on the console, but the file does not work
So, I’m using a library of Carousel Jquery (Owl-Carousel) and some elements like this excerpt below: <div class="owl-dots"><button role="button" class="owl-dot…
viewsIncrease and decrease the amount of the selected element through the class
So in the following part of my code I have a function to increase the amount or decrease of each product of the store(I will leave a photo to explain better), when I press the "+" button it…
viewsHow to create a Constructor when there is if/Else and external variables?
I have several variables like this, that call an HTML element always with the same name: var $inputFromA = $(".inputFromA"); It’s at least 10: inputFromA, inputFromB, inputFromC… All these variables…
viewsFilter list by keyword array
The idea is to make a filter. I have a text field that the user types what they want to filter, so I store the typed words in an array. Ex.: The user typed in the "config company" field, the array…
viewsProblem with Jquery button
Guys I have a problem in my code that may be simple to solve but I ended up getting stuck, I’m doing a crud and the add, edit and delete buttons added via Controller in the construction of table…
viewsProblem with Alert
Good afternoon, I’m starting with Javascript/Jquery I’m having some problem in my project’s Alert. It may be a logic problem, but because I’m starting out, I can’t see where the error is. It is a…
viewsRemove Styles with "Display None" depending on the logged in user
Wish on this page made in Wordpress make some classes style sum depending on the logged user. Example: Admin can delete and Upa files so all classes must be active Already the User to classes…
viewsHow to change to next image by clicking and dragging with mouse or finger?
I need a help on a code, on the products page of my site has a featured image and some Thumbs below, when I click on some Thumb the image appears in the highlighted part using addclass removeclass…
viewsHow to upload with Jquery - Ajax - Webservice
Good afternoon guys, I’m having a hard time uploading a file to the server. I have tested locally and managed to accomplish successfully both on my machine running by the project and on the server…
viewsTo assign a Javascript variable to an HTML value element using jQuery
I have this code, which is catching the event of click: $(function(){ $('.js-editEstoque').on("click", function(){ var descricao = $(this).attr('data-name-Estoque'); var id =…
viewsI can’t capture a value and present it in a modal
I am including an agenda using fullCalendar in my system, the time has come when you need to present the value of the schedules within a modal, but I followed the step-by-step exactly as it is in…
viewsHow to show API results in HTML?
I’m with a project where I have an HTML input, where I send the link to an image of a car, goes to an AI that searches for an API. So far so good, the result comes back right on the console. The…
viewsAdd another PHP dynamic field
I am creating a form for the internal registration of telephone sales. Each sale can have more than 1 phone line included, depending on what the customer wants. Telephone options vary according to…
viewsHow to maintain the modifications made with Jquery?
In an HTML page that is outside the index I need to insert my age inside an element. The error happens when I click to be forwarded to another page, the text the script inserted disappears, how do I…
viewsWhen printing on firefox or Chrome add table borders
I’m making a code which is a form using Tables(html), at the moment of preview of the printing of the code add some borders, but when leaving the print is normal... Would you have any solution?.…
viewsHow to know if the click I leave the father div
Following my problem and : I have an array used foreach to percorelo '> Amount result : Coloured Preta= > button Verde= > button Cor jeans= > button Rosê= > button Marsala= > button…
viewsJQuery effect of scroll ads
I need a jQuery library that does the effect that is presented on that website. The effect I need is that of the 3 banners at the top of the page that stay with an effect of scroll to the left,…
viewsjQuery function does not work
I’m doing a function with jQuery, but it doesn’t work, IE, it doesn’t reach my controller, someone could help me please follow the code: var Aprovar = function () { $.ajax({ url:…
viewsHow to make a progress bar from PHP download
I have a website to upload and download files, I want to make a progress download similar to the Mega, take a look at the download page: page .. I’ve tried to do more I couldn’t, can someone please…
viewsWhen you click on a link, close all open Ivs and open a specific one?
I’m developing a site that will be just a page and will not have scrolling, I need when I click a < a> close the open div and open the one I passed in href="" from < a>.