Most voted "jquery" questions
jQuery is a Javascript library focused primarily on DOM handling, event management and Ajax, seeking to free developers from directly dealing with a number of browser compatibility issues.
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viewsAcordion Bootstrap - link to access
I have the following code: <div id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingOne">…
viewsStrange Undefined error in visual
When access to index.php of my website shows a undefined of this kind: But when I go in the source code the text is written correctly there: Honestly I’ve never seen a mistake like that.…
viewsMove by Divs via keyboard arrows
A while ago I came across a plugin in jQuery in which I could move through Divs, menus, images... using the arrow keys on the keyboard. I’ve searched a lot but I can’t find anything. Someone there…
viewsresponsive menu with jQuery and css
Galera I set up a menu that appears when placing the cursor over the letter B. The problem is that when it is aligned to the left the menu disappears in the corner of the page. If I remove the line…
viewsRun function only once
At first, I’ve seen some similar questions around here, but virtually none of them fit/don’t work in my scenario. It is as follows: I need a script to be executed (in my case, a button to be…
viewsgetJSON with parameter
I am performing a query with getJSON calling the MVC controller and can return a Jsonresult. When I pass a letter to search for the first time the controller is triggered and returns the value…
viewsLoad from Database only when all is loaded
In the Portfolio section, when pressing + load, you can see that first loads the block and then the images with a delay of 1 second. SEE ON SITE: I only want it to load when the…
viewsJquery does not load effect obtained through a service
I will try to present my problem as best I can. I have a page made in HTML and I have a service made in Java that returns me an html. In this my html page I use an ajax function to load the data of…
viewsChange text with Javascript
Hello, Someone could help me with a JS script to change the button text instantly ? But change only when the status of the $x variable changes from 0 to 1, or when you click on the button containing…
viewsLogin to the user’s account inside the Index page
I’m developing a system where all employees can enter the Index.php page (Work page), in general where they all know the code and password and enter the system normally (No restrictions and in this…
viewsHow to check Body Width every time you change Jquery Size
I was checking the size of body for $(window).resize but I realize that when starting the page initially the right size but does not apply to classes. Follows the Code:…
jqueryasked 8 years, 6 months ago iLeonardo Carvalho 561 -
viewsHow to know if the person is legal?
I need help creating a Javascript code or using jQuery, which should read the value of the person’s date of birth (I’m using datepicker) and calculate how old they are. I have to show in div…
viewsHow to hide javascript API access data?
How do I hide this information that I pass as a parameter to the token request? the way anyone can see and cannot var chaveToken = { "grant_type": "password", "username": "[email protected]",…
viewsDoubt about ajax (javascript)
to with a doubt, have to send from index to api (using ajax) more than one value?. I am accused of using the code like this. But I don’t know how to send the value of 2 different inputs.…
viewsHow to limit the number of lines in a text with Javascript/jQuery?
I want to limit the amount of characters in a paragraph to up to two lines, and not necessarily in an absolute amount of characters, since the amount in each line can vary as the width of the…
viewsHow do I make messages in Javascript etc, when logging in a warning appears?
I want to know a code that when the person clicks on an OK button to log in a warning: "You are logged in!". If a warning does not appear: "You are not in the system, enter your Access information…
viewsDetect browser lock or tab
Is there any Javascript/jQuery code between browsers to detect whether the browser or a browser tab is being closed?
viewsHow to turn JSON_ENCODE from PHP to JSON in javascript
Hello, My javascript pulls the result of a select made in PHP, what arrives in Javascript is as follows: I do not understand why you are coming with this "string()" in front, I’ve tried using…
viewsJquery img code to exchange
I used the code of a guy that the menu is of one color when it is at the top and when the scroll of the page goes down, the menu turns black, but as soon as it turns black I want the img that in the…
viewsClear input with Jquery with more than one class
My input is like this: <input type="text" class="noclear form-control" value="" name="" required> Jquery: form.find('input[class!="noclear"]').val(''); If I leave the input, only with…
viewsPick up content via DIV, using the bootstrap-wysiwyg-master and sending via $_POST
I am creating my bootstrap-wysiwyg-master, and I need the DIV where is the content of the text, be sent via POST in PHP, that I can include it in the database etc... Below is the code of the form…
viewsHow to search table information by id and send to another part on the same page?
I’m learning to program a short time and I’m creating my first system, which is a school bulletin system, where I have a tab called students that contains a table generated through a registration,…
viewsTranslation of a website without cms
Hello, I have a site only in html, css and js. The client asked to insert a language change button. English and Portuguese only. I wonder if there is any tool or way to do this process just using js…
viewsHide button with jQuery
I would like to know how to hide a button that only the logged in admin can see. I have a business rule with the same interface, but it has a specific button that only the admin has access to. How…
viewsHow not to use onload on the body with this code?
I would like to know how to use the following code: function startTime() { var dateString = new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "America/Sao_Paulo"}); $('#txt').attr("data-original-title",…
viewsIncrement function in another jQuery function
The code below helps the user to find terms and highlight them(hightlights) within any HTML element, is functional but the code does not highlight words when typed without accentuation, if highlight…
viewsReferenceerror: $ is not defined JQUERY
I’m trying to create a rating, but this error persists in my code... js, I’m using jquery $(function(){ $('.star').on('mouseover', function(){ var indice = $('.star').index(this);…
viewsSyntax error when using . val() in a JSON
I’m trying to check a value in JSON to see if it’s null value containing an image link. But when there is a link it returns an error: Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: I’m using…
jqueryasked 5 years, 5 months ago Mauricio Santos 35 -
viewsHide files from inspect
I’ve been researching how to hide CSS, JS, JQUERY files from inspect, but everything I found was old or didn’t help me much. I wonder if you have any way to hide these folders so that when someone…
viewsDifficulties in logical OR operator
I’m having trouble assembling the logic operator OR || using javascript. Before sending you should check whether the input file was selected or if input url was typed. $("#form").submit(function() {…
viewsHow to pick up a word that contains a specific character?
I have this string in a div: "Sofá 3 Lugares Tiffany em Veludo 2,12m Aquila" I want to take the text of the words that contain "," and return them. Ex.: 2.12m…
viewsConvert a date from C# (Datetime), which has been transformed JSON, to Javascript Date
When I perform a data search in C#, it returns the DateTime in format "/Date(123456789)/", but I can’t convert to a valid Javascript date. As a: var data = new Date("/Date(123456789)/"); Or: var…
viewsKnowing the input data
Hello, I need to know what kind of data is being inserted into the HTML input, I have to know if what is there is text(string) or if it is a number. And then I create a vector using the slipt. It’s…
viewsIs it worth using Bootstrap with Angular 8?
Good night, I recently started studying Angular 8. My contact with Angular until then was practically 0. Today I came across a question. Most of the time I read about using jQuery with Angular,…
viewsOnbeforeunload on Google Core, any hiccups?
I need to use onbeforeunload for my control of users on my system, IE is working perfectly, but in Chrome it does not work, I need that when closing Chrome it redirects to the page verifies.php that…
viewsPop-up effect with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Hello! I’m developing a site with HTML5, CSS and Bootstrap. I want to apply a "Appearing" effect to the items on my page, the idea is that as the scroll bar descends the items will appear from…
javascript html jquery css twitter-bootstrapasked 4 years, 10 months ago Bruno Eduardo Rosselli 179 -
viewsChange the css of an element by id
I tried the following code: $("#maintenanceRequest").css({"backgroundColor": "black"}); But the following error appears: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).css is not a function at <anonymous>:1:26…
viewsQuiz that changes section depending on the answer
I’m developing a quiz with javascript, which has to work as follows, has the question and response feedback, but then I go to another section where there’s a story and only then comes another…
viewsCheck parameter in URL and trigger javascript function
Good people, my idea is to see if the [Bust] parameter in the URL equals "Success" and if you want to change the <a> but only for 5 seconds, after that time I remove the class (in this case…
viewsMsg error in case of JS typing error
I wanted to insert an error msg, other than in Alert, when the user type less or more than the pre-defined characters in jquery. $(document).ready(function() { $('.mascaraTelefone').mask('(99)…
viewsPopup opening on every page after Load is finished, even after it is closed
I have a following situation: A Popup appears every time you finish a load on the page, the user can click X (close). But every time he enters another page the Popup goes up again and so it is…
viewsHow to capture 'responseText' from Object
How do I capture the responseText? var result = $.ajax({ type : "POST", data: "idTecnico=" + 1, url : './Procedimentos/Servicos/ObterNomeTecnico.php'}); console.log(result); var nomeTecnico =…
viewsHow do you make a slider menu in java?
As if it makes a menu in this style here, that by clicking it hides one content, and shows another? Some example of how to do more or less? Something like this side menu of this site for example…
viewsHow to hide something with jquery and css
I need to hide some things using jquery along with css , I tried using Hide() but it didn’t work... some solution?? my code: $(document).ready(function(){ $('#ID_USER')hide();//não funcionou... });…
viewsInfinite loop gives pagescaping window.ready or window.onload
I’m trying to load a page by satisfying a condition and with the code I did loads but enters an eternal loop. I have already researched and tried everything I saw but I did not get the expected…
viewsi am making a website and have a little message of novelty made in Html5 and css3 soq I did a btn q closes it I want qnd reacrregue it gets closed
•News | Chat is now available... const v1 = function () { const closed4 = document.getElementById('new_chat_alert').style.visibility = 'hidden' const closed0 =…
viewsSending php/jquery data to mysql
How could I send the data from the index.php screen to mysql , being that the javascript/jquery was used to do this function that is being shown in the image below. my code is below : My index…
viewsMemory game with tag div
I would like only the current div to change. I would like to randomize the Ivs. How to precede? $(document).ready(function() { $('.cores').click(function() { $('#1').css("background","red"); });…
viewsHow to hide div when clicking on any part of the jquery page?
I have a script that shows a div I currently have to show when I click and hide when I click but I want when opened the user when click on any part of the page hide the div someone can give a help ?…
jqueryasked 7 years, 7 months ago César Sousa 2,025 -
viewsHelp with Jquery + Php
I have a form that is loaded through a comic while. the structure is this: <form id="formulario" name="formulario" action="javascript:Func()" method="post"> <div id="div_prod"> <?php…