Most voted "jquery" questions
jQuery is a Javascript library focused primarily on DOM handling, event management and Ajax, seeking to free developers from directly dealing with a number of browser compatibility issues.
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viewsTake value from a cell in jquery
This button has an ONCLICK event that calls a function. Theoretically, it is already in a line, it would only need the VALUE of a cell. Obs: Addresses is the ID of tbody and the TEST is the CELULA…
viewsModal problems with jquery: Uncaught Typeerror: $(...). modal is not a Function
I don’t know what else I do to try to fix this mistake! Help me, please. NOTE: JQUERY WORKS NORMAL BECAUSE I HAVE VALIDATIONS THERE. ONLY THE MODAL DOESN’T WORK, I DON’T KNOW WHY =/ <!DOCTYPE…
viewsHelp for jQuery slider
For this mission, I’m out of ideas. For more elaborate sliders use the Slider Revolution and more basic, the Wow Slider, always merging with PHP. $(function(){ $('.bxslider').bxSlider({ mode:…
jqueryasked 7 years ago Rogério Pancini 397 -
viewsSubmit form with buttons outside it
I have the following form <form method='post' name='checkbox_form' id='checkbox_form' onsubmit='return validate()' action=''> .............. .............. <input name='salvar'…
jqueryasked 6 years, 8 months ago user60252 -
viewsAdd and edit AJAX element
Good, I want to edit a trafter creating it and acquired by AJAX. When I click on create 'Tag': $('#confirmCreateBrand').click(function(){ brand = $('#createbrand_name').val(); advertiser =…
viewsDifficulty checking php data with mysql
I’m trying to check the bank to know if you already have a user with registered email typed by hmtl, I did this php script, but the execution always stops at the first if even if the email typed is…
viewsAjax not sending request
I can’t see where the mistake is. Accuse me of this mistake $("#btnSalvarArquivo").on('click', function () { var EspecieArquivo =…
viewsjQuery Scrollto does not work! Help me? Cannot read Property 'top' of Undefined
Good afternoon, I’m trying to use a jQuery feature through a code I found on the internet. But it’s not working! You can help me fix it? When I click on 'See more', I should scroll the page to the…
viewsHow to update a div every x seconds?
Follow a part of the html code, I need to update this div (#line1) every x seconds without using php. It can be with jquery, ajax, js or all together. I don’t want to just change a div ("altered…
viewsChange the input field type with jQuery
$(document).ready(function() { $('#password').attr('type', 'text'); $('#password').val('Password'); }); That should change the #password input field (with id="password") of type password normal text…
viewsUncaught Typeerror: $(...). Animate is not a Function
If it was noon and I could not find the problem, a fact that I thought was simple. The Jquery documentation contains: $( "#book" ).({ I’ve tried adding a newer, older Jquery, but it won’t. A simple…
jqueryasked 6 years, 2 months ago Agência Move 17 -
viewsHow to read items from one array within another?
This is my multidimensional array: <?php $beneficiarios = array ( array( "codigo_membro" =>$cod, "nome" => $_POST['nome1'], "n_identificacao" => $_POST['n_identificacao1'], "parentesco"…
viewsTo disable textarea when select is set to value false
I would like to disable the textarea if select is false, and enable if select is true. I was trying to do for DOM, but I did not succeed, below this code I have, in case someone can help me. <div…
viewsReferenceerror: $ is not defined
Hello, I created an application a short time ago and got jquery via Nuget, but it keeps giving error when initializing jquery. I have the following function in a js file.…
viewsHow do I make a URL open when the person presses a certain key?
<html lang="pt-br"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link rel="icon" a href=""> <script> var titulo = "- teste -" var titulo…
viewsMake editable post-it (element)
I’d like to leave the post-it editable, so that when it is clicked it can already be edited normally. Below is my code: $(".adicionar").click(function() { $('<div class="post-it">' +…
viewsjQuery does not return value
I have the following code below: function checkRadioPeriodo() { if ( $("[name='periodo']").val() == undefined ) { alert("Escolha um período!"); return false; } } $("#botao").on ("click", function ()…
jqueryasked 5 years, 10 months ago Carlos Rocha 1 -
viewsjQuery1.7.2 compatibility issue for jQuery 3.3.1
I am layman in JS, but I need an urgent application and I found one that suits me, just make the adaptations. I have the following code below: function id( el ){ //return document.getElementById( el…
viewsHow do I add values in another column in my table with javascript?
I’m using append to generate my table, but each row is being generated by a ForEach, but now that I have managed to generate the first column I have no idea how to generate the other let TrackerList…
viewsProblems with events in JS
I am doing an event in js, but the same is not working properly by the following fact if the user does not select at least one radio he does not trigger the event, as he would for the event to…
viewsWhat is the advantage of using ANGULAR over JQUERY?
I know you’re both different. I know that Angular is a Framework and Jquery is a LIB. But I ask the professionals who deal with both, what is the advantage, what can I do in ANGULAR that I can’t do…
viewsAuto complete does not work for what reason and why?
Why does my search not work? $(document).ready( function(){ var cidades=[], bairros=[]; $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'curtida.php', dataType: 'json', success: function(response){ for(var i in…
viewsI’m having problems with Jquery scroll
Hello, I am using the scroll function you have in Jquery’s Document, everything goes very well, at least while I am in the component that has the href to scroll, but when I exit this component, I…
viewsWhen inserted content into the div, the page does not scroll right
When inserted content into the div, the page does not scroll right, but without the content it was normal. var _AlturaDocumento = $(window).height(); function AlturaSecao(){…
viewsInput text value does not change when triggered by the button
I have an extra button on the screen that increments +1 on top of the current value of the input, when I make an Alert in the variable presents the normal value incrementing +1 but in the field on…
viewsCreating a slider with Jquery
Talk community, all right?! I’m creating a slider using Jquery and I’m not getting any further. In the example I created I can’t change the images by clicking on the bottom right menu. Which code…
viewsopen Collapse after updating array
I have a Collapse that when I click on it, comes the data of the array, there is a button that opens the modal, when I open the modal I click 'FINISH', then when I send the data to the api, and then…
viewsmy script does not work inside the modal
good afternoon, how can I make my script run inside the modal I’m not getting. I made a modal for contact and I can’t call the id of campos in the jQuery someone knows how I can do? codigo js:…
viewsJquery is adding the wrong values
Hello, when I select a treatment he has to take the amount in R$ and add, to in the end give a total, but if I select a wrong option and have to select another he is adding it, but should not,…
viewsUse % in input using jQuery Mask
How do I allow the % symbol inside the input using jQuery Mask? I ask this, because in the same field will have case that it is used as currency formatting 1.000.000,00 or just percentage 2.50%.…
viewsSlick is not working
I have the following html code <html lang="pt-br"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta…
viewsslider effect does not work with jQuery
I have the following structure: <body> <div id="topo"> <section class="topo"> <div> <ul id="menuTopo"> <li><a href='#alvo'>Link</a></li> ... I…
jqueryasked 5 years, 3 months ago Carlos Rocha 1 -
viewsHow to put an array value in an input?
I’m having trouble inserting the values of an array into an input with JS. What I’m looking for is, make it look like there’s a person writing and it’s not a value that’s been entered quickly and…
viewsHow to open 4 sequential Selects, the last 2 not related to items?
EDITED I have 4 selects I called Level: Level 1 opens Level 2 as each item is selected. Each Level 1 item opens a specific select (works and uses Jquery) What I need: When selecting any item in…
viewsPositive date period validation gives Nan error
I got it on my JS var inicioFerias = new Date($("#txtInitialVacancies").val()); var fimFerias = new Date($("#txtFinalVacancies").val()); var utc1 = Date.UTC(fimFerias.getFullYear(),…
viewsI wonder if there is any way to load a jquery before the page is loaded
-I’m testing to load the rest just put an id on the body to see if it would <script type="text/javascript" > $(document).ready(function() { $("#body").load(function(){ var tip =…
viewsHow to determine intervals for a request?
Good morning, you guys! I have the following scenario: I am consuming a Google API that returns me data from a particular Youtube channel, basically I do the request and the return is a list of…
viewsMy code only filters if you type first letter Jquery, how to filter by typing the whole word (table)?
Ex: word (ideal) if I type in the search the "i" it searches all the word that contains the letter "i", but if I type all the word the search disappears and is blank. follows the code:…
viewsTake a label by Parent() or id and replace
I have the following Opencart code snippet in Twig. {% for quote in shipping_method.quote %} <div class="radio"> <label id="{{quote.code}}"> {% if quote.code == code or not code %} {%…
viewsSelect option makes the Input field mandatory
I wonder if I can make a document attachment input mandatory depending on the select option. I looked at some questions / related articles and could not find what I was looking for. HTML code:…
viewsJquery - Open all tabs
I’ve created a div that will expand. But when I click expand, all the Ivs open instead of just opening the one I want to expand. Is there any way to open only the div I clicked? Note: It will be…
viewsajax contact form conflict
Personal I am with a problem I have two contact fomularios in ajax and the one this giving conflict I know the error this in this line $('form input[type="submit"]').bind('click', function (event) {…
viewsFill a select according to another select with Jquery
Someone can help me with this logic? Next I am filling a select Manufacturer with data from a json using Jquery, the problem is that I can not think of a way to fill the other select Model according…
viewsDisable disabled from form
I have this function, where it checks the data, to exit the page, what happens that some data get like disabled according to the data reported, and I cannot verify the data. $(function () { var…
viewsJquery: function search if file name contains and replace
Function to replace src if it contains a word. Ex: <li class"none"> <img src="/img/aqui-pode-mudar-exemplo.png?v=123456" alt="Imagem"> </li> Function to search in the "None"…
jqueryasked 4 years, 11 months ago Lucas Vilas Boas 11 -
viewsStyle sheet in input
I have a table with several columns and rows I want to put a red border indicating where the user can type in case the limit would be age. I have been able to count how many times the header class…
viewsDisplay only the div corresponding to the clicked button
I would like to display only the div corresponding to the button clicked. By default a tab tab-dados starts active, but if the button name="hidraulica" is clicked hides the div tab-dados and appears…
viewsWhen clicking on given th, open a Modal
I have a grid that displays some fields, this way: <table id="listaNotas" lider-data-table="@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model)).ToHtmlString()" class="table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th…
viewsJavascript function works only once
I would like some help with these functions. I would like the last td to change every time it is clicked between active and inactive. But it only works the first time clicked after it doesn’t work…
viewsMultiply two numbers and show result (JQUERY/JAVASCRIPT + PHP)
I have 3 fields in my form FIELD 1: which already has a value that I pulled into my database which is the product price Field 2: where I will insert a whole number indicating the amount of product I…