Most voted "jquery" questions
jQuery is a Javascript library focused primarily on DOM handling, event management and Ajax, seeking to free developers from directly dealing with a number of browser compatibility issues.
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viewsChange image link src
I have several images in lists, I would like to change only the 150-150 to 200-200. I can change just one.…
jqueryasked 10 years, 3 months ago lucas inverso 143 -
viewsMoving text within a textarea
I am developing a monitoring system and need to take a text from a log file and show on a monitoring screen. This text should move within the top-down textarea. Does anyone know how to proceed?…
viewsDisplay text at random
I wanted my text to change every 10 seconds, like this: I wanted a text to appear at this location, and after 10 seconds I would automatically change the text, and so on...…
viewsChange the position of the images
I have a list of 21 images, arranged in a grid of 3 columns and 7 lines, and I need to make sure that each time there is a refresh on the page, or it is accessed by another IP, those images change…
viewsUpdate button data of a query without refresh on the page
I am creating an application in PHP (Codeigniter) and I came across the following situation. I have a table on my page that brings all the results of a query in the database. I want to create a…
viewsJavascript questions
I’m having trouble solving these exercises, if you could help... This is the code : <form name="myForm"> <label>Radio station name <input type="text" name="name" /> </label>…
viewsStudy Angular 1 or 2
I am very old, the first language I learned was in Action Script 1 (this in the early 2000s). Today I need to recycle myself and I want to start to leave Jquery and go to Angular, mainly to develop…
viewsDecrypt Java Script code, need to change url and am not finding
Is that code encrypted? I took this code from another site, it’s a popup, it pulls the pages of a site, So for me to put the pages with my links I need to figure out where to change, and this way is…
viewsResponsive website
Can someone help me put on the site I’m developing what they say to be Responsive, that is, when I access through a smarthphone the website fits to the smartphone and if minimize the browser window…
viewsDefault values in a Select2
Guys, I need to know how to call a Lect2 with multiple default values. That is, how to leave pre-existing options in Lect2. Example: I have a list of the database'name','Nome2','name3'. I want when…
viewsWhat is BLOB in javascript?
When you try to access the link that is inside the src tag vídeo youtube, what happens is that you just can’t access, or access is difficult, and I would like to know how to do this process and…
viewsPick predefined value and assign in another field
Talk guys, I have the following problem: I need to take a date value already set so 2017-06-30 (YEAR-MES-DAY) and play it in another countdown script with the following parameters: year: 2017,…
jqueryasked 7 years, 6 months ago Rafael Meirim 321 -
viewsSend data to the server with javascript and then retrieve it
People I am with following problem, I need to send the data of a page to the server and after being able to recover this data, I was seeing an option to send this data of the page with an event…
viewsMultiple selection does not work in IE
I made a post on how with a choice, select all the items. I received a reply, which solved. well, solved only in Chrome, but in IE does not work. As the question changed the "direction", so I…
viewsI need a script (JQUERY) that goes to another page and saves the data.
I’m sorry I didn’t show you any code because I couldn’t find a logical solution. I need a script that goes to another page and saves the data without me being on that page understand? Example: You…
viewsHow do I know if he clicked open? [INPUT]
Good people I was wondering if there is any way to know if the user clicked on open there, because I wanted to perform an action right after that. My goal is to execute an ajax request when the guy…
viewsService does not go up
I have a service [file.svc.Cs] but it does not go up, I try to access it with ajax and da not found. Someone knows how to fix it, what could be wrong.? namespace Bob.Servico { // NOTE: You can use…
viewsSomeone can give me a help,’s not validating the email.
$('#username').focusout(function () { //atribuindo valor do campo var sEmail = $("username").val(); // filtros var emailFilter = /^.+@.+\..{2,}$/; var illegalChars =…
viewsHow to create a cool color input?
I was creating a form where the person would have the option to choose a color, as I didn’t want the person to write the color or because I thought it was cool to put an input of type color…
views"Cut" a variable
I have this variable: var example = Aclosebclosecclose; I want to separate the words divided by close-up and store each one in a variable. Ex: set an example = Toclose-upBclose-upCclose-up; var a =…
viewsHow do I store all the values traveled by for in a variable?
I have this code: for(i=0; i<results.rows.length; i++){ $('.chips').material_chip({ data: [ {tag: results.rows.item(i).descricao}, ] }); } results.rows.item(i).descricao gives me some values..…
viewsChange link from two links whose id are equal with js
I had to duplicate a code from a link whose id is the same (I can’t change it, I can’t actually change it). And I need to change the text of that link. I did it that way:…
viewsWorking with arrays
I have this array: {tag: "teste"} how do I save the test word in a variable?
viewsSwitch to next input automatically
Fala galera! I have two inputs in the form and would like to know how I do so when the input1 were filled it automatically changed to the input2. These are the inputs, in case it has a limit of 5…
viewsJquery code $ accuses that is not set
Good afternoon. I was tidying up the code (cleaning) and when I see it on the Chrome console, it accuses that $ is not defined. Code jQuery: $(document).ready(function () {…
viewsHow to put a datepicker in an Android application whose page is being developed in PHP
I want to put a datepicker on a page that will be implemented in an Android application and I am developing the page in PHP. I’ve picked up several libraries on the Internet from Bootstrap and…
viewsIs there any way to format a date mask within a table?
In case the information is pulled from a database and do not want to put it inside an input. Is there any way? <td id="outra_data"><?php echo…
viewsHow can I display content only when selecting an input type=radio
I am doing a project and I would like to know how I can make the "content a" appear only when the input "A" and the same way with the B, using jquery <input class="opcaoa" type="radio"…
viewsTraverse DOM elements with each function
I would like an example of how I could do this using Jquery
viewsAuto-populate inputs with js / jquery
I was doing some tests with automation Javascript/jQuery and I came across some websites that it is not possible to fill in the entries correctly. This would normally work on most websites:…
viewsbutton is triggered without me clicking - jquery
let aplicarCor = function(elemento, cor){ elemento = ("#" + elemento); $(elemento).css("background-color", cor); }; $("#laranja").on("click", (aplicarCor("funcoesComEventos", "orange")));…
viewsUpdate a table without page refresh
I saw here several answers to questions similar to mine, but none solved my problem. I am making an item registration system that when clicking the insert button it will give the Insert in the…
viewsjquery - capture content from all Divs with a set class
I have an agenda I want you to hide when every day of the week is closed. So I did this function that analyzes if the content of the day is Closed and if all 7 days have Closed it hides the agenda.…
viewsRemove group of Divs "Clones" in jquery
I have a group of Divs that can be cloned in jquery, I need that by clicking "in the image of the recycle bin with the delete id" removes the cloned Divs when clicked... Follows the code..…
viewsCategory Filter
I’m trying to implement the following category filter on my site, but I’m not succeeding.updated code with the 2 filters. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8">…
viewsMy form is giving much problem with the part of the register
My site has the login forms, the registration form and the "Recover my password", next to each other, I want to connect the registration form with my database, the login I have already managed, but…
viewsPassing PHP Javascript PHP Parameters
I need to pass a parameters via JSON of a PHP page Javascript PHP, I’m using the Ajax method of Jquery but I’m not getting, follow code snippet. ✓ Index.php <html> <head></head>…
viewsupdate list field without refresh ajax
I have the following jsp list where I just want to increment the value of the quantity field without refreshing the page. The way I did, it works, but updates the page. So I searched, it would have…
viewsCould someone help me with this script?
Good to script : $(document).ready(function(){ $("#banner").css({"height":$(window).height() + "px"}); var flag = false; var scroll; $(window).scroll(function(){ scroll = $(window).scrollTop();…
viewsProduct registration - create features
I am having great difficulty implementing dynamic results in my application .... 1 - When deleting a row, sort the rows correctly 2 - Calculate GENERAL shopping-cart total 3 - Recalculate the GRAND…
viewsSelect radio when clicking a button
I want when the person clicks on button 1, automatically the radio 2 is selected, thus preventing the user from making two clicks. How can I do that? Note: The same thing will also happen when…
viewsHow to validate mobile and home phone?
Would like to validate mobile and residential phone, adding the parentheses and trait automatically. Cellular What I would like: Validate whether the cell phone contains digit 9 at the beginning and…
viewsRename id with jquery
I have this code where I need to change the name of two id when I click on a calendar event eventClick: function(event, jsEvent, view) { endtime = $.fullCalendar.moment(event.end).format('h:mm');…
viewsImage preview
When I change the image, the preview of the previous images does not disappear... function readURL(input) { if (input.files && input.files[0]) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload…
viewsSubmenu Bootstrap in Jquery for Typescript
I am starting my studies with Typescript and I am trying (and need) to modify a code that I found ready, which is in Jquery. But I need it all in Typescript, but I’m not able to make it work yet.…
viewsHow to use jquery to form the date field for month and year?
I’m using the lib of maskedinput jquery to format the data field, but I would like the field to be formatted as follows... 99/9999 Eu fiz essa tentativa, mas não deu certo; $(function() {…
viewsHow to send multiple files via AJAX and store them in the database?
I have a form in which I can send a single file, by a file field, and store it in the database. However, I need to be able to send more than one file through the form and store them in the database.…
viewsHow to manage Jquery processing or pure Javascript?
I recently had the following problem in a hybrid application: A command was not executed because another process was faster, and redirected the page. Not knowing how the javascript process…
viewsHow to identify line end in Javascript / jQuery?
I have the following code: var cont1 = $('.stat_col:contains("Total de páginas impressas")').next(); var cont2 = $('.stat_col:contains("Total de páginas impressas em preto e branco")').next(); var…
viewsHow to insert a LI into a UL with Javascript?
I’m looking to add a LI between two LI’s of a UL. I don’t have access to the CSS/HTML code of the website template, if it would not create easily, so I’m thinking about adding via html and…