Most voted "jquery" questions
jQuery is a Javascript library focused primarily on DOM handling, event management and Ajax, seeking to free developers from directly dealing with a number of browser compatibility issues.
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viewsHow to replace two or more hyphens or spaces with just one hyphen
I’m building a blog and I need a script to get the title of the post and generate a link (without accents and spaces), as you write. I rode this one below, but I could not ignore 2 hyphens in a row,…
viewsQuestion: Ajax access object
Good evening, folks. Could you help me with a question. I have set up an ajax so that I can update the table asynchronously, but I cannot access the ajax return Object. my code: <script…
viewsChange the content a Span as the same Class in a table - jQuery
well, I’m having a problem with a table, where I wish that by clicking on a certain line button the specific span of where I clicked changed text, but I’m not able to do that, I’ll be making the…
viewserror when applying template to dropzonejs
I’m having a hard time understanding the workings of the dropzoneJS Even though I have consulted the documentation I have not understood how this change is made. End result I’d like to get is image1…
viewsHow to duplicate or clone a DIV in Java Script and read all elements in ASP.NET C#
Hello, I have a guest form that I need to automatically increase the fields according to the completion. The code is: <div class="form-row" id="Guests"> <p><strong>Guests…
viewsJavascript does not work when I try to do more than 2 tasks
I’m early in web development. The script below only works for what I do in the first for, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. When he should do the second part is he doesn’t even get into it. It also…
viewsLimit the maximum value of an input number and at the same time show that value in an input text
I have a form where for each type of expense there will be a limit value to be sent by the user. What I am using in my form is the type of the expense (being an option), the amount of the expense to…
viewsHow to read the {1x2} JSON Jquery key
Gentlemen, excuse my ignorance but how can I read a JSON key that starts in number, example: "1x2": { "outright": false, "interwetten": { "odds": { "1": 6.4, "2": 1.55, "X": 3.95 }, "bookmaker":…
viewsCurrency formatting in input calculation
The script idea is correct. I just couldn’t put the currency formatting in the "minimal preco_n" field (with value script). If I put real currency formatting in that input, it does not calculate.…
viewsHelp to call function
Hello, I am in a project of a translation of a system that is actually a directory structure and I decided to use Google translator to do this, using the following block of code <script> var…
viewsTaking the data from the value field dynamically in Jquery
I’m having a hard time implementing a pop-up button in jquery... I have a user list that are logged in to admin screen the admin can move the user The problem is that the button only shows the first…
viewsTaking a TD value from an HTML table to feed a PHP variable
I’m developing a web system. In this system I have tables with many columns since they are a lot of information, to reduce this I selected the most important information to be displayed and put in…
viewsSubmit form without button. Only when input is completed
So guys, I’d like to know how to send a form without submit button or without clicking something. I saw on a site a input where after filling with a value, it from Submit in the form. I tried to do…
viewsRequest ajax does not declare Session
I have a login system with Ajax+PHP with languages running on different servers. On the same server works perfectly, but in this mode, the request occurs but the Session is not declared (I need it…
viewsProblems with concatenations using jQuery, to insert parameters with append
When placing quotes in different ways to be possible concatenation, an error appears by Elements in the Chromer browser, I would like within the parameters, the information to be with simple quotes.…
viewsSelect multiple records using a jquery condition
I have a table that has some empty columns, I want to select only the rows whose content is complete. In my example you are selecting all, not respecting the content.…
viewsLine breaking
Hi, I created a chat on my website using Firebase. But I don’t know how to make this message be saved along with line breaking. In the image above I am using the textarea to write the message. More…
viewsHTML validation der Jquery mask
Guys I have an ASP.NET MVC screen using Razor, which in Edit return data that has already been saved for editing. In one of my fields is of type (decimal) use to save monetary value. This field when…
viewsDisplay objects inside a jquery table
To add an object to a table, in the example below the item has an array of 2 objects. How to inform these two objects within the table? let myjson ={ "pedidoId": 1, "itens": [ { "sku": "123",…
viewsImport module after function . load() from jQuery
Because it is not possible to import a module after loading an external content by jQuery.load(), from what I understand it needs to be outside the scope, but outside the scope the content of the…
viewsDatatable stops working after updating the page via AJAX
I have a page with a table that is updated via AJAX. That way, I have a combo that when I select the option, the table is updated without refreshing. In this table, I need the option to sort and…
viewsHow to recover ID in JQUERY
The goal is popular a select according to the previous select. Script <script> $(function () { $('#adms_grps_prod').change(function () { if ($(this).val()) { $('#adms_tps_prod').hide();…
viewsSave checkbox fields that are displayed through a WHILE with PHP?
I have a table called tarefas_check, when there is record in this table, the record is displayed this way: <!-- Checklist --> <form method="post" action=""> <?php $sql = "SELECT *…
viewsEasyautocomplete does not find the searched value in the field
I’m making an order system and I need the field where the seller selects the customer to have the search option. I tried with the html datalist but the search didn’t work very well, so I’m trying to…
viewsInclude Button Loading - Bootstrap v4 - JSP
Hi, I’m trying to change a button where when it’s clicked. Your content is changed to show a "loading" and after loading the page the button goes back to the previous state. I have tried several…
viewsUse show and Hide with bootstrap
I want to display a sequence of Forms with the jquery show and Hide on a site stylized with bootstrap the code used was that and n appear to have errors, because it works for half a second and back…
viewsinput with jquery sends value, but php does not query in BD any dirty?
<script> jQuery(function($){ $('#busca-cid').submit(function(){ $.post('lista-cidades.php', $('#busca-cid input'), function(retorna){ …
viewsChange one Select from another by triggering the second’s "onChange" event using JS
I have two problems, I made a function to check by the class of selects all your children in the block, so when I change the first option has to change all the others in cascade. Problems: (1) ->…
viewsHow to access the element that activated the event without using jQuery?
I have the code that uses jQuery below that accesses the element that activated the event so I can get a property. How can I do something like this without the library in question?…
viewsHow to delete an element specific to <select>? (Javascript, Jquery)
I would like to delete by ip each of the specific objects that owns it. `<tr class="trAdminEdit"><td><div class="input-field col s12"> <select id="select` + index + `"…
viewsPrevent double submission of forms in Submit
How can I prevent the user from doing multiple submissions of a form? My code is like this: // VALIDAÇÃO DO CADASTRO $(document).ready(function(e){ $(function () { // VALIDAÇÃO…
viewsMask.js:5 Uncaught Typeerror: v_fun is not a Function
I am using a JS script to customize masks on inputs within forms. A file mask.js is being loaded into the pages, containing the following functions: function mascara(o,f){ v_obj=o v_fun=f…
viewsPass array to modal with JQUERY
Talk personal, all right? I have a little problem here that is taking my sleep. rs I can pass variables to the modal quietly as in the example below: Button that switches the variable to the modal:…
viewsNo Clear form after wordpress Submit
built a form that validates within the wordpress function but every time I do Submit it cleans up the whole form and I don’t want it to do that I am sent data by jquery this way form.submit(function…
viewsProblems with no screen refresh queries
Friends, I am trying to do a database search and present the result on the screen without updating the page, however when typing in the input no message is displayed. The user would start typing a…
viewsMake dynamic calculations in JS and display in a PHP list
I’m setting up a ordering system and within it, I’m showing the products I have registered. So far no problems. Within this list, I need to dynamically calculate the quantity input with the value…
viewsFill inputs after insertion via Jquery
I have a problem I don’t know how to fix. I have an Ajax function q makes a query based on the chosen item of a select. After the query and received the search data on the front end, I fill in the…
viewsAdd jquery values from input field
Good afternoon! I have the following form, <input type="hidden" id="id_rifa" name="id_rifa" value="qaa"> <input type="hidden" id="id_usuario" name="id_usuario" value="1h0p"> <input…
viewsI wanted to know why I can get the parameters of the verbs POST, PUT and DELETE in PHP only with Jquery, how do I do this pure JS?
I wanted to know how I send parameters of the methods: POST, PUT, DELETE as Jquery does For you to understand better, I just want to send some data and take PHP. If you look below you can see that…
viewsI can’t send that form via Ajax!
Hello I have this form code in case the person wants to help my project: <form id="my-form" action="envia.php" method="POST"> <label for="fname"><i class="fa fa-user"></i>…
viewsAdd option in a select in original order
Hello, I have a function that allows you to remove and reset options from a <select>, the "problem" is that when it comes to readjusting the option it goes to the end of select instead of…
viewsHelp to sum days on a user-selected date
I need a help, I have a form of reservation of rooms, have as I increase the number of days of a date that the user selected, received by the value of the html form? Like something like that.…
viewsUpdate the HTML table using Jquery and PHP
I’m still new to this area of Web programming, I’m managing here, I have a code that performs the ping test of some hosts and returns whether they are online or not. However I saw in another code I…
viewsJavascript function to mark checkbox depending on condition
I need to do an if Else function in Javascript that if the column "value_set" is equal to '0,00', then the checkbox is checked, if not, the checkbox remains unchecked. This function needs to be…
viewsHow to apply a style to the html of a text selected from a textarea field?
Hello, I have a question about how to create an action (button) that when clicking on it will be applied initially a style to a selected text within a textarea field. Yes it is like those same…
viewsPHP Update - Real-time CHART JS
Problem: I need to do a real-time refresh Chart.js chart, but for that I’m having to update the data coming from the database with a refresh button, I need that as soon as the page loads the data…
viewsjQuery . on('change', Function() {} does not work on select cloned
EDIT: I have an application that uses information from one select to another select using the ajax change function as below: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.empresa').change(function(){…
viewsCannot read Property 'addeventlistener' of null wordpress
I have several buttons on a page of a wordpress site, I set all these buttons with the click class, when the user click one of the buttons I have to grab the id of the button clicked, with this id I…
viewsWoocommerce - special field within the jquery and use split handlers
I’m in a personal project, and I’m having a hard time understanding how jquery works in Woocommerce, I use Woocommerce as a quotation system and I’m trying to generate a dynamic presentation price…
viewsCollect menu by clicking the link (child Nav)
Good afternoon, I have a menu that I would like to click on the Nav-child to disappear back to the initial behavior. use the example site menu: admin Lte v3:…