Most voted "jquery" questions
jQuery is a Javascript library focused primarily on DOM handling, event management and Ajax, seeking to free developers from directly dealing with a number of browser compatibility issues.
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views$(this). val(') does not remove cache information
The idea is that I type and if the value is greater than the specified amount then it leaves the form blank, until it is all ok, however, when giving an Alert the value remains stored... What can it…
viewsHow do I change the position of two names in the table using up and down buttons?
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Exemplo de…
viewsKeep Scroll at [last position after an AJAX request?
I am having difficulties in performing an activity that is to keep the scroll in the LAST position before the AJAX request. //antes da requisição var scrollPosition = $('.cart').scrollTop(); ==>…
viewsClear field type search
I’m having a problem that I can’t solve, I’m building a library inventory system, and I’m using a reader to read the barcodes from the books, but after I use the reader to pick up the code and…
viewsQuote an array - Jquery
I need to put inside each element of my array, simple quotes. In the code below, I check which checkbox is selected, and insert in my array. var checkbox =…
viewsUpgradeable zebra table
I made a table in html with 5 columns and more than 300 lines. In this table I put a <th> with two lines, where in the first I have the titles of each column and in the second a field for…
viewsWhy is my jquery duplicating table rows?
I am making a paginated table (with 3 lines per page), but when adding the rows in the table jquery is duplicating this. When clicking on the page change icons, it adds more items and below these…
viewsAlign my buttons inside Javascript?
I imported Tabledit Jquery on my page, but for some reason, the icons aren’t aligning as they should be, as I might be implementing css for buttons align (one side of the other)? Code:…
viewsHow to take the value of php Session and in the select field mark as Selected through ajax?
Hi, anyone who can help me would be great. It’s been a few days since I broke my head in the code. I have a form (which gives POST on the page itself) with select fields of cities and neighborhoods.…
viewsValidate input with ajax populated values
Oops! One more than taking a beating. I have an input that is auto populated via ajax, as you type the search ajax and go listing results in <li> in a <div> below the input. Type the…
viewsSend 2 Array with json_encode with While PHP command
I don’t know how else to explain it but come on. I have a game with . js fighting system the current idea is to add CD (Reload Time) in Skills. When I use another Skill the previous one comes out of…
viewsQuestions and answers using Ajax
I’m making a <form> that returns an interaction if the answer is wrong. The idea is: if the user selects the right answer, the <button> change the color to green and/or red for wrong.…
viewsreceive data via jquery php for the same page
Hello, I have a question related to pass html values to php asynchronously I have a page entitled test.php this page has an input, where my goal is to take the value of this input and assign a php…
viewsRecover database record and display on user screen with Laravel 8
I’m a beginner and I’m struggling to get back the database data and display on screen. I have the following scenario: I have an input field to put the numbers of a CPF that has already registered in…
viewsTo Assign a js variable to an HTML value element using jquery
I got this code that’s picking up the clicker event $(function(){ $('.js-editEstoque').on("click", function(){ var descricao = $(this).attr('data-name-Estoque'); var id =…
viewsJquery variables are returning "Undefined"
I have this block of Jquery code that calls an ajax function and the variables when they are passed to php are returning "Undefined". Here’s the Jquery code block I have: var email =…
viewsHow to make a button list data using two select
Hello, I’m doing a project with dynamic selects, I managed to make the selects take the database information, but I wanted to create a button so when it is clicked return me the data of this query:…
viewsPagination of images
I need to list some images, which need to be shown in groups of 6 per page. It can be any type of paging. I have knowledge in Database, PHP, I can bring the images from the database, but I am…
viewsOnchange event not working when placed on the body
I wrote this function to validate some form specific radio Buttons. As my page is in PHP and I do include from the top and footer, the function works when it is in footer.php, but since the function…
viewsSlider Jquery - Photo Gallery -PHP
Guys, I’m looking for this slider, but I can’t find, I need this guy, the images come from the database and as I drag the ball, the images change, someone knows where I can find?…
viewsHow to organize the development of a project
I ask in a very comprehensive way applied to both Desktop and Web, if the methods are very different, I ask you to guide me. I have some clients, and over the course of a few months, I see that…
viewsSlider Jquery UI
I am developing a slider where I need to show 4 images at a time, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom, using jquerUI slider, I made an example in jsfiddle, but I am only able to put all in line,…
viewsReturn a class in jQuery
I have these Hidden fields in my cshtml: <input type="hidden" id="txtGeoTo" name="txtGeoTo" /> <input type="hidden" id="txtDateStart" name="txtDateStart" /> <input type="hidden"…
viewsModal window in event click
Hello guys I’m having a problem, I have to make a button have "2 functions" actually this all working properly, so my client wants the following... when the user clicks to register and all fields…
jqueryasked 10 years, 7 months ago Delivery-TI 27 -
viewsGroup and add array in Javascript
How to do a function to sum only values that are of the same date? I passing an array of arrays: [{ servicos: 0, remessa: 503, materiais: 0 , retorno: 598, entrada: 0, date: new Date("2011/12/20")…
viewsjQuery click() is not running
I’m trying to do a function in jQuery that by clicking on button he executed the function click() jQuery to take input data and send via post. HTML <input type="text" name="nome"…
viewsPut Scroll when it’s on fullscreen
I am creating a page and it enters fullscreen, but I have problem when enters fullscreen the rest of the content that is "below" is not shown, only appears until the limit of the monitor. I’m trying…
viewsI want to remove everything after searching with jQuery
Here is the url: .../search?…
jqueryasked 9 years, 9 months ago Marcos Vinicius 7,188 -
viewsSlider when clicking stay on Fullscreen
Hello guys I’m putting together a web project, and I would like to know about a slider that when click stay on fullscreen, I’m not finding a good option. I wanted something similar to the Tecmundo…
viewsGoogle Adsense automatic click
I made that code: $(".readmore").attr('id','google_flash_embed').one("click",function(e){e.preventDefault();console.log("Feito por Loko, direitos…
viewsHow to save date and time in a variable by clicking button
I need to save date and time in a variable by clicking a button that starts a task and then send it to the BD, for example: <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-4 control-label"…
jqueryasked 9 years, 8 months ago adventistapr 5,498 -
viewsRun File in PHP - Jquery or Javascript
all right? I have no knowledge in Jquery or Javascript, but I know PHP x Mysql well. I would like to know, how to do the following procedure, I hope I can explain. Execute the php file., but this…
viewsField CPF, CNPJ and Other Document - jQuery validation
I have a field where you can write the CPF, CNPJ and Other Document. The field is no mask, while the "Other Document" can be any number or letter. How can I make these validations in jQuery? Check…
viewstake input ID values
I have to do an auction system and am planning how to make Countdown for several products at once, each with its number of seconds. I’m thinking about doing it with PHP and jQuery. The problem is…
viewsjQuery discount on quantity
I have two input one with value and the other with quantity and span for result <input type="text" value="50,00"> <input type="number" value="3"> <span id="resultado"></span>…
jqueryasked 8 years, 8 months ago FamilyMoura 33 -
viewsHow to change the "code" content of a javascript section
Hi, I need to change the content (code) of a javascript section with the function . click or onClick but the content can’t go on for the other Section! Thanks
viewsSearch in the database when loading the page
When loading the page I want you to make a query in the bank and check that the result brought more than 3 results, if you bring I want to block a checkbox. How can I do this? I’m using Jquery, PHP,…
viewsSend data to another page via a button
I would like to know how to resolve the following situation: I have a page that has a loop in which it shows all posts of a specific posttype, and in each post I put a button (no functionality for…
viewsSlide JQUERY 100% screen EXAMPLE
I’m doing a full screen slide, but I find that in other monitors the image and the text gets bigger/smaller. I’d like to leave him one size fits all. Vi this site below, I found it very interesting.…
viewsDisable a FUNCTION on mobile
Hello folks wanted that my scroll function was disabled for mobiles, ie will only be active if the width of the screen is 1200px up. $(window).scroll(function () { // Movimento primeiro box vermelho…
viewsHow to create a 3D object
Hello, I’m thinking about making a website that’s fixed on a single screen. When clicked on the options menu, the screens would be presented as a slide, similar to what happens today on Android…
viewsSend form without updating page and show hidden div
Good guys I have a form that saves the data in the database and works fine , but I need to click submit the form appear a div hidden with the list of data saved in the database (I already have the…
viewsHow to use unit of time less than milliseconds in a setInterval or setTimeout
I would like to know (if possible) how to use a unit of time less than milliseconds in the functions setInterval or setTimeout. I made a progressive stopwatch using the following code function…
viewsReturn 2 date type in ajax
I have an ajax that returns me a date on onSelect of a datepicker, so far so good.. but I need the consultation to return me also the ID of a select (dentists) how can I make these 2 returns on a…
viewsHow to make an interactive background?
I’m on a new project and I have a question. I would like to make the background (which is a simple gradient covering everything) of the home (home page) change its color tone according to mouse…
viewsShow only div daughter with jQuery
I need to attack the div comentarioPost and make only the div of the respective post appear. I simulated some comments to test, then they’ll come from the bank with the other information. How do I…
viewsHow to get the array number of the element I clicked JQUERY?
How do I get the number of the vector of an img for example? See there in the image several img right? I want something where the moment I click on the image I can get the number of that img, some…
jqueryasked 7 years, 3 months ago Jessica Jadex 11 -
viewsPHP being commented within JS
The code is this: success: function (result) { var tbody = $('tbody'); tbody.html(''); $.each(result, function(k, value) { search += "<tr class='tagtr'>"; search += "<td>" +…
viewsHow to refresh the page?
I needed when the person clicked on a button on the previous page to move to the next page and refresh it. How do I do this? I need this refresh because otherwise I’ll have to do a "gambiarra" to…
viewsWhy css is not working
I need you to help adjust, there must be some mistake to get this big... I need this top-of-the-page notification. Without interfering with the other texts. In case I want the notification to be…