Add inputs with jquery and real time


Viewed 5,951 times


I need a jquery script to do the following:

TOTAL = Fine + Interest - Discount.

calculating even if one of the 3 inputs is not completed.

I found some examples on the internet, but everyone needs an action, a function or a button to price, but it has to be in real time.

I tried that but I didn’t succeed...

$(document).ready( function() {

    var multa = $('#multaSoValor').val();
    var juros = $('#jurosSovalor').val();
    var desconto = $('#descontoSoValor').val();

    var totalValorAdicionalDX = multa + juros - desconto;


  • 1

    What do you mean "real time"? When typed?

  • that, "in real time" > when typed in any of the fields...

  • however has the following, these inputs fine, value, discount receive a value of another js but when running in html value becomes empty...

3 answers


If by "real time" you mean when typed, here’s an example with keyup which is the event triggered when the user releases a key on the keyboard:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#multaSoValor,#jurosSovalor,#descontoSoValor").on('keyup', function() {

    var multa = parseFloat($('#multaSoValor').val()) || 0;
    var juros = parseFloat($('#jurosSovalor').val()) || 0;
    var desconto = parseFloat($('#descontoSoValor').val()) || 0;

    var totalValorAdicionalDX = multa + juros - desconto;

<script src=""></script>
<input id="multaSoValor">
<input id="jurosSovalor">
<input id="descontoSoValor">

<input id="totalValorAdicional">


Creates a function that does this:

var fazerConta = (function(multa, juros, desconto, total) {
  return function() {
    total.value = (multa.value || 0) + (juros.value || 0) - (desconto.value || 0);

And then attach a handset to detect changes and run the function in real time.

$('#multaSoValor, #jurosSovalor, #descontoSoValor').on('change', fazerConta);


I made a simple and functional example, any doubt just comment.

  var m = parseInt(jQuery('#multa').val() != '' ? jQuery('#multa').val() : 0);
  var j = parseInt(jQuery('#juros').val() != '' ? jQuery('#juros').val() : 0);
  var d = parseInt(jQuery('#desconto').val() != '' ? jQuery('#desconto').val() : 0);
  jQuery('#total').val((m + j) - d);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" placeholder="Multa" name="multa" id="multa" value="">
<input type="text" placeholder="Juros" name="juros" id="juros" value="">
<input type="text" placeholder="Desconto" name="desconto" id="desconto" value="">
<input type="text" name="total" id="total" value="">

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