Posts by Luis Fernando Martinelli Ramos • 23 points
5 posts
viewsQ: Are there any devaluations of creating a component in React per function instead of Class?
There is a downside to creating the components in React by function instead of class? In the case of Class, the component does not need to have an ID to be accessed internally and change its…
viewsQ: Is it better to make a large request to the database or several small ones?
What is more recommended? I have a web system that on load of the ASPX page it feeds multiple controls with data from various tables of the database. It is better to do a search with a request…
viewsQ: Do I upload all the data directly into the HTML page or access the database more often?
I’m developing a web project for real estate. On the page is the mirror of sales or the floor plan of the condominium of houses to be sold. When the user clicks on one of the plant houses, the…
viewsQ: If I declare a global variable for my page, is it accessible only in this session?
Hello, I have a question. If I declare global variables for page, they are unique to this session or they can be changed in other sessions? I had problems in other systems that I developed with the…
viewsQ: For better performance in the Postgresql database is it better to have the products divided into smaller tables?
Hello, I’m developing a system to manage the sale of several real estate developments. In this system each enterprise has a group of units available, type "Apartment 21 - 2nd Floor, Apartment 34 -…