sending image or video via webservice


Viewed 56 times


I have in my application a UIIMAGE attribute ( for image) and a NSURL for video, need to pass one of this information via webservice... How can I do that ?

  • I don’t know if it’s a good idea, but the people at the college with whom we have webservice use Base64. It should be huge, but it works

  • Wait there, you need to send the file physically, or just the information of it? If it is only the second option, forget what I said earlier

  • I need the file itself , I thought using ftp... Using the base will get hard query

  • Is there any problem in uploading and saving the file url in the database, and offer this link via webservice, for access to it?

  • In reality when uploading the photo I will register an id in the bank and I will rename the file with that id , and n access the photo by the app only by a web application ...

  • Hello Augusto, here at the company we use the image conversion to Base64, and then we send the resulting string to the server... there it turns into an image again. I believe this is one of the best options...

  • I think this framework can help you.

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