Is there a Debugger showing why my code does not run in a particular browser?


Viewed 71 times


I used a lot of javascript/jquery to build a project, but I ended up testing only on Chrome (it’s running perfect), so I decided to test it in firefox and realized that several features are crashing/not working. Is there a Debugger that shows which part is not working ?

  • Can you put the code here? So we can take a look and help solve.

  • The firefox console itself can point out errors and warnings and you can also test performance.

  • can a fiddle? and specific best mistakes happen...

  • firefox has the native console or, for IE it is possible to use the console

1 answer


The question is old, but you can see which errors appear on the page by opening the console in the so-called "Developer Tools", which is a native tool in modern browsers (11/11/2017).

To open the console, you can search for something like "Developer Tools" in the browser options tabs or press shortcut key(s):

  • Firefox1, Chrome1, IE 111, Edge1: F12
  • Opera1: CTRL + SHIFT + i
  • Safari on macOS: Option + Command + i

When seeing which errors appear on console, it is possible to identify where you are causing the error and the reason, including identifying the code line:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This way it is easier to correct the error by checking the compatibility between browsers and making the proper correction.

1 In Windows 10.

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