How do I make an Alert?


Viewed 166 times


When I press a button, is it possible to see a dialog box with the yes or no buttons? If I pressed yes, I’d go one way if I hit no, I wouldn’t be on the page. It is possible?

  • You could post what you’ve tried?

  • You use bootstrap or some form creation framework?

  • 1

    The default on browsers is var resposta = confirm("Confirma a operação?"), with OK and Cancel buttons. Other than that, it’s on the same nail or with some framework.

  • I don’t use any bootstrap or framework

  • I didn’t do anything because I don’t know where to start

  • to my understanding that a confirm. If you click yes redirects to a page if it is not in the current.

  • Yes I want that, you can help me?

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3 answers


It is possible yes, it can do this way:

if (confirm('Deseja mudar de pagina?')) {
} else {
    // fica na pagina

You can use javascript, you can look at this link, and in that here is an example

  • It is possible to click on ok and go to a page?

  • 4

    Rafael does not give answers only with links pf. Gives examples and explains how to do what the AP needs.

  • it is possible yes... you can do it this way if (confirm('Deseja mudar de pagina?')) {
 } else {
 // fica na pagina


You can do it the traditional way via javascript. However the options are fixed to ok or cancel, since the confirm is implemented internally in each browser.

    confirma() {
        if (confirm('Deseja realmente fazer determinada ação?')) {
            // código caso tenha confirmado
        } else {
            // código caso tenha cancelado

<button onClick="cofirma();"> Botão de confirmação <button>

If it doesn’t suit what you want, since it is something much more specific, I recommend looking for a solution via a plugin, as in the case of the Bootstrap modals.

  • When pressing butao it is supposed to do something?

  • I think clicking the button will trigger the javascript function. O if nothing else that interprets the yes or no. That’s what I wanted to know?

  • Yes it was. But how do I get a box to say"yes or no"?

  • By default, the confirm give only the ok or cancel option, not giving the option to modify the names by being encoded already in the browser.

  • @Brunogonçalves this answer may be useful.

  • But by clicking on ok, it can go to a link, page?

  • Yes, just implement within the if window.location = 'urlDesejada'

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You can use the function confirm which is native to browsers. It returns true or false according to the user’s response.

if (confirm('Deseja ir para a página de configurações?')) {
    window.location.href = 'config.php';

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