On my page I have several elements with different background colors. I wonder how I could do to when clicking a button increase the brightness of the color, make it lighter.
It is possible to do this using javascript / jquery? Like?
On my page I have several elements with different background colors. I wonder how I could do to when clicking a button increase the brightness of the color, make it lighter.
It is possible to do this using javascript / jquery? Like?
Yes, it is possible. To do this you need to convert the color to HSV
to change the brightness.
means Hue
(tone), Saturation
(saturation) and Value
(value). As the image below shows
, that is to say Value
, corresponds to brightness.
The following function converts a value RGB
for HSV
function RgbToHsv(r, g, b) {
var min = Math.min(r, g, b),
max = Math.max(r, g, b),
delta = max - min,
h, s, v = max;
v = Math.floor(max / 255 * 100);
if (max == 0) return { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0 };
s = Math.floor(delta / max * 100);
var deltadiv = delta == 0 ? 1 : delta;
if( r == max ) h = (g - b) / deltadiv;
else if(g == max) h = 2 + (b - r) / deltadiv;
else h = 4 + (r - g) / deltadiv;
h = Math.floor(h * 60);
if( h < 0 ) h += 360;
return { h: h, s: s, v: v }
Now that I got the color in HSV
I can change the value of V
to change the brightness.
The next step is to get the value in RGB
to update the style of the element. The following function converts from HSV
for RGB
function HsvToRgb(h, s, v) {
h = h / 360;
s = s / 100;
v = v / 100;
if (s == 0)
var val = Math.round(v * 255);
return {r:val,g:val,b:val};
hPos = h * 6;
hPosBase = Math.floor(hPos);
base1 = v * (1 - s);
base2 = v * (1 - s * (hPos - hPosBase));
base3 = v * (1 - s * (1 - (hPos - hPosBase)));
if (hPosBase == 0) {red = v; green = base3; blue = base1}
else if (hPosBase == 1) {red = base2; green = v; blue = base1}
else if (hPosBase == 2) {red = base1; green = v; blue = base3}
else if (hPosBase == 3) {red = base1; green = base2; blue = v}
else if (hPosBase == 4) {red = base3; green = base1; blue = v}
else {red = v; green = base1; blue = base2};
red = Math.round(red * 255);
green = Math.round(green * 255);
blue = Math.round(blue * 255);
return { r: red, g: green, b: blue };
The following method can be used as an example:
function AppendColor(light) {
// obtem a cor em RGB do elemento
var color = $(this).css("background-color");
color = color.replace(/[^0-9,]+/g, "");
var red = color.split(",")[0];
var gre = color.split(",")[1];
var blu = color.split(",")[2];
// converte rgb para hsv
var hsv = RgbToHsv(red,gre,blu);
// converte hsv para rgb modificando `v`
var rgb = HsvToRgb(hsv.h, hsv.s, light);
// cria uma nova div e seta a nova cor
color = "rgb(" + rgb.r + "," + rgb.g + "," + rgb.b + ")";
$("<div />")
.css("background", color)
.attr("title", color)
$("<span />").html(" ").appendTo($(".light").parent())
$("<br />").appendTo($(".light").parent())
// Valores para teste
The function RgbToHsv
should return an object instead of an array in the case max == 0
, nay?
You’re right, I corrected it. Thank you!
interesting and very good code!
Browser other questions tagged javascript jquery css html
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