Displaying authenticated user data in the view


Viewed 3,535 times


I have a problem that I believe is quite simple... I need to display the username logged in to my views... how do I do that?

this is one of the views



    <a href="{{ URL::to('list/create') }}">Adicionar Lista</a> <br />

<ul style="list-style:none;">
    @foreach($lists as $lista)
        <li class="task">
            <a href="{{ URL::to('list') }}/{{ $lista->id }}">{{ $lista->titulo }}
            ({{ count( $lista->tasks ) }} Tasks)</a> <br />
  • I suggest changing the title of the question for something that better defines the problem. To help in the search of other people who have the same doubt.

2 answers


{{ Auth::user()->nome }}

Or in place of the name property, which you need to use.

  • @Henrique - Add a new question, so we don’t mix the problems, please add besides the Laravel tag, the Lade tag

  • Thanks Flavio ..... and Blz Hernandes.... more not to leave the subject I can not understand I create a Model with relationships, a controller inserting or fetching data in a bd and a View to display the results... but if I want to display the results of Multiple tables from my bd in the same view if I have a Return View::make() returning queries from just one table ?? ex: view Index.Link I show user logadotabela(user), latest news(table news), featured products(table products)..... Obs.: I wish I could understand ... hehe


In your View you will already have:

{{ Auth::user()->nome }}

to display the user name Logged in.

You can pass multiple variables to your view:

$produtos  = Produtos::all();
$novidades = Novidades::all();
View::make('index', compact("novidades","produtos") )
  • I was almost doing that. hehehe... made a query , stored in a variable but could not pass to view because it was missing the Compact("var").... vlw Flávio... Today you saved my life the hell you saw... hehhe

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