From one table to another html table


Viewed 2,431 times


I have two tables in an HTML page which is the following:

One with my selected subjects.

Another with a list of subjects to select. PS: I’m just studying, I’m not using databases or anything like that.

So the tables are in this style:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The logic is as follows:

I will click on the checkbox, and when I click on the checkbox, the subject marked will disappear from below and go to the top table.

My question is how will I know the row and column of the current checkbox selected.

Because I want a dynamic code that fits each checkbox, and not create a javascript function for each checkbox.

From a single he know the row, column and their values to add in the top.

Do you understand?

I’ve been researching, I’ve learned to insert the lines, OK, but to take the values and play on top is complicating.

I aggravate everyone for their help. I have more or less logic, which is to take the checkbox line and save in variables the values of the workload, period and teacher and add in the first row of the table above.

Can someone give me some tips? Obr.

  • 1

    I’m not getting the image you posted, but I believe you just need to make an appendchild on the other table. optionally, you could add a drag'n drop event.

2 answers


So you know what the tr to which that checkbox It belongs to go search in the elements father from that checkbox until you reach a tr. In jQuery this can be done with the .closest('tr') and in Mootools with .getParent('tr'). To do this with native Javascript you can make a loop that continues until you find an element with the tagName you want. An example of such a function would be:

function getParent(el, tagName) {
  tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
  while (el && el.parentNode) {
    el = el.parentNode;
    if (el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == tagName) {
      return el;
  return null;

Now you need a function that changes position to the clicked line. An example would be:

function fn(e) {
    var trPai = getParent(this, 'tr')
    if (this.checked) tabelaDestino.appendChild(trPai);
    else tabelaOrigem.appendChild(trPai);

Online example:

  • 1

    Thanks for the solution. I am testing and checking if I solve the problem. Thanks.


In this case, the easiest way is to assign an event to all checkboxes, in this event you move the entire row to the desired table.

//consultando todos os input to type checkbox na pagina
//caso a sua pagina possua mais inputs deste tipo, você deve tornar o filtro abaixo mais especifico.
var adicionar = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox']");

//consultando as tabelas que irão armazenar as disciplinas disponiveis e as que o aluno está matriculado.
var matriculado = document.querySelector("#matriculado tbody");
var disponiveis = document.querySelector("#disponiveis tbody");

//definindo o evento que irá mover a linha, é importante instanciar apenas um evento para todos os checkbox.
var adicionarOnClick = function () {
    //caso o checkbox esteja marcado, mova a linha para a tabela de matriculados, caso contrario para a tabela de disciplinas disponiveis.
    var escopo = this.checked ? matriculado : disponiveis;
    //this é o checkbox que foi clickado, o parentNode dele é a celula atual, e o parentNode da celula é a linha (arvore).

//registrando o evento criado acima para todos os checkbox.
for (var indice in adicionar) {
    adicionar[indice].onclick = adicionarOnClick;
table {
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px black;   
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    width: 100%;

table th, table td {
    border: 1px solid black; 

.centro {
    text-align: center;

.direita {
    text-align: right;

input[type='checkbox'] {
    float: left;
<table id="matriculado">
            <th class="centro" colspan="4">Pedidos de Matricula</th>
            <th class="centro">Disciplina</th>
            <th class="centro">Carga Horaria</th>
            <th class="centro">Periodo</th>
            <th class="centro">Professor</th>            

<table id="disponiveis">
            <th class="centro" colspan="4">Selecione as Disciplinas</th>
            <th class="centro">Disciplina</th>
            <th class="centro">Carga Horaria</th>
            <th class="centro">Periodo</th>
            <th class="centro">Professor</th>            
            <td class="direita"><input type="checkbox" name="adicionar"  />Calculo 1</td>
            <td class="centro">90</td>
            <td class="centro">2°</td>
            <td class="centro">Marcos Alexandre</td>     
            <td class="direita"><input type="checkbox" name="adicionar"  />Algebra Linear</td>
            <td class="centro">45</td>
            <td class="centro">3°</td>
            <td class="centro">Pedro Alves</td>     
            <td class="direita"><input type="checkbox" name="adicionar"  />Fisica II</td>
            <td class="centro">45</td>
            <td class="centro">3°</td>
            <td class="centro">Paulo Coelho</td>     
            <td class="direita"><input type="checkbox" name="adicionar"  />Metodologia Cientifica</td>
            <td class="centro">30</td>
            <td class="centro">2°</td>
            <td class="centro">Raul Rabelo</td>     

Follow the HTML complete with script and style, note that the script is at the bottom of the page.

<style type="text/css">
table {
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px black;   
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    width: 100%;

table th, table td {
    border: 1px solid black; 

.centro {
    text-align: center;

.direita {
    text-align: right;

input[type='checkbox'] {
    float: left;

<table id="matriculado">
            <th class="centro" colspan="4">Pedidos de Matricula</th>
            <th class="centro">Disciplina</th>
            <th class="centro">Carga Horaria</th>
            <th class="centro">Periodo</th>
            <th class="centro">Professor</th>            

<table id="disponiveis">
            <th class="centro" colspan="4">Selecione as Disciplinas</th>
            <th class="centro">Disciplina</th>
            <th class="centro">Carga Horaria</th>
            <th class="centro">Periodo</th>
            <th class="centro">Professor</th>            
            <td class="direita"><input type="checkbox" name="adicionar"  />Calculo 1</td>
            <td class="centro">90</td>
            <td class="centro">2°</td>
            <td class="centro">Marcos Alexandre</td>     
            <td class="direita"><input type="checkbox" name="adicionar"  />Algebra Linear</td>
            <td class="centro">45</td>
            <td class="centro">3°</td>
            <td class="centro">Pedro Alves</td>     
            <td class="direita"><input type="checkbox" name="adicionar"  />Fisica II</td>
            <td class="centro">45</td>
            <td class="centro">3°</td>
            <td class="centro">Paulo Coelho</td>     
            <td class="direita"><input type="checkbox" name="adicionar"  />Metodologia Cientifica</td>
            <td class="centro">30</td>
            <td class="centro">2°</td>
            <td class="centro">Raul Rabelo</td>     

<script type="text/javascript">
//consultando todos os input to type checkbox na pagina
//caso a sua pagina possua mais inputs deste tipo, você deve tornar o filtro abaixo mais especifico.
var adicionar = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox']");

//consultando as tabelas que irão armazenar as disciplinas disponiveis e as que o aluno está matriculado.
var matriculado = document.querySelector("#matriculado tbody");
var disponiveis = document.querySelector("#disponiveis tbody");

//definindo o evento que irá mover a linha, é importante instanciar apenas um evento para todos os checkbox.
var adicionarOnClick = function () {
    //caso o checkbox esteja marcado, mova a linha para a tabela de matriculados, caso contrario para a tabela de disciplinas disponiveis.
    var escopo = this.checked ? matriculado : disponiveis;
    //this é o checkbox que foi clickado, o parentNode dele é a celula atual, e o parentNode da celula é a linha (arvore).

//registrando o evento criado acima para todos os checkbox.
for (var indice in adicionar) {
    adicionar[indice].onclick = adicionarOnClick;

  • Hello, Toby. Thank you very much for the patience to make this solution. That’s really what I want, for what I ran in the code snippet. The problem is, when I put everything on the page, it doesn’t work. At first for testing, I’m putting the scripts and css on the same page, using <script> </script> and <style> </style> as you ordered. css worked, but the script didn’t. do I have to put in some function? what do I do?

  • If you’re using Opera or Chrome, open the development tools(F12) and look at the flap Console, there you can see if any error occurred at runtime on JS.

  • Opa. I use Firefox.

  • Is it possible to put everything together in one code? the full page you made? pq do not know if it is a problem in my code block when doing the integration or browser. I tested in internet explorer and allowed the script. did not run

  • includes an example with direct script and style in HTML, here it worked normal. note that the script is at the end of the page.

  • Man, that’s just what I wanted! Now just adapt my solution! I don’t know how to thank you. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! VALEUS!

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