Add attribute to an element


Viewed 22,499 times


In Javascript we can add the attributes to a given element with at least two ways:

var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'meuId';


var div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute('id', 'meuId');

Is there any difference in performance and/or compatibility between browsers, or any of the ways it serves perfectly?

  • has a comparative in jsperf: In terms of performance, direct access is faster.

2 answers



HTML elements have attributes. When we represent these in Javascript we get objects with properties.

  • .setAttribute changes in HTML, is slower and blind
  • .prop changes directly in the DOM object, faster

Starting from this HTML:

<input type="text" value="Escreve o teu nome" />

If I write my name in this input, and search for its current value via Javascript, notice what I get:

input.value = 'Sérgio';
input.value;  // dá "Sérgio"
input.getAttribute('value'); // dá "Escreve o teu nome"

Namely the .getAttribute retrieves information from HTML that is static, not the DOM object that has already changed value.

Using setAttribute will change the HTML attribute and has some different effects. For example input.setAttribute("disabled", false); will do the opposite of expected, will block the element whereas input.disabled = false; will do what is expected.. This is because the browser detects the presence of the attribute disabled and does not read the value of this attribute (only its presence). Changing the property .disabled directly changes the behavior in the element.

A another example clarifies the difference between HTML and the Javascript representation of what goes on in DOM:

var input = document.querySelector('input');
input.setAttribute('dataA', 'foo');
console.log(1, input.dataA, input.parentNode.innerHTML);
// dá: 1 undefined "<input type="text" value="Escreve o teu nome" dataa="foo">"

input.dataB = 'foo';
console.log(2, input.dataB, input.parentNode.innerHTML);
// dá 2 "foo" "<input type="text" value="Escreve o teu nome" dataa="foo">

In the first case the HTML element receives a new attribute dataa and not dataA for the setAttribute is case-insensitive and the value "set" is not returned by input.dataA, nor input.dataa.

In the second case the .dataB is added as a new object property in Javascript but is not reproduced in HTML. It is only on the Javascript side and is not written in HTML.

It is good practice to change the property directly and not mix the two in the code because it can generate very difficult bugs to detect.

Apart from the errors that can be generated by setAttribute access the property of the object representing the DOM element is also faster.

  • 1

    I liked the examples input.getAttribute('value') and input.setAttribute("disabled", false), really is quite bizarre,


The .setAttribute() has problems with IE compatibility up to version 8.

As for performance, according to the Jsperf, direct access to property is faster.

Opera 28.0.1750.40

obj.title = 'This is a test';                 //1,096,233 ops/sec
obj.setAttribute('title', 'This is a test');  //  678,908 ops/sec
obj.custom = 'This is a test';                //  270,003 ops/sec
obj.setAttribute('custom', 'This is a test'); //  146,522 ops/sec
obj.dataset['custom'] = 'This is a test';     //   85,083 ops/sec

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