Error creating php conditional


Viewed 36 times


I am creating a command in Laravel(php) that looks for an image file that is blob in the database and saved in a folder, And as not all users have image I want to make a conditional that if the file does not exist it simply skips the process but when I put the user who has no photo it does not skip the process and returns Trying to get Property 'logo_foto' of non-object

 public function handle()
   // $field = $this->ask('Fields?');

    $id = $this->argument('numero');
    $getInfo = Parceiro::where('id', $id)->first();
    if($getInfo->logo_foto) {
        $photo = $getInfo->getRawOriginal('logo_foto');
        $format = Helper_Base64::getFileFormat($photo);
        $randonName = rand(1, 800);
        $path2 = public_path("users/logo/{$randonName}");

            File::makeDirectory($path2, 0777, true, true);

        $path =  "$path2/{$randonName}.$format";
        Partner::getLogoUrl($id, false, null, $path);
       // Partner::getLogoUrl($id);
        $getInfo->img_path = $path;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


You can use the method exists before calling the method first()


$id = $this->argument('numero');
$getInfo = Parceiro::where('id', $id);
if ($getInfo->exists()) {
    // info existe
    $info = $getInfo->first()
} else {
    // info nao existe

Other possibilities:


$id = $this->argument('numero');
$getInfo = Parceiro::where('id', $id)->first();
if ($getInfo) {
    // info existe
} else {
    // info nao existe


$id = $this->argument('numero');
$getInfo = Parceiro::where('id', $id)->first();
if ($getInfo->isNotEmpty()) {
    // info existe
} else {
    // info nao existe

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