Is there any recommendation to follow from the Laravel framework when starting a project?
I ask this because when starting a project already comes by default with some predefined structures!
saw that comes with some predefined Migrations
Vi que tbm comes with a predefined Model
I saw that also comes a Factory already created for inserting data
My doubt is the following, the standard Standard in the newest version (V8.52.0), at the moment I am posting this doubt.
By default brings an example structure, for creating an authentication system!
1 - There is a tutorial/documentation for me to better understand how to continue this clean implementation that comes with the Framework??
Or am I free to continue this clean implementation the way I see fit?
looking at this clean implementation I saw a good organization, and a good convention for an authentication system!
I would like to follow this clean implementation suggested by Aravel!
I’d like to understand it better...
2 - the Migration failed_jobs, which is already predefined in the list of Migrations of the Laravel, It is part of the recommendation of the authentication system?
or this Migration is already preset so that the default language can register queues of events that have failed?
3 - This authentication structure that comes with the Laravel, has something to do with the Laravel/ui, or with the Laravel/Jetstream ?
repaired q the Laravel/ui, takes advantage of this base structure that comes along with the Laravel project.
4 - the package Laravel/ui, and the Laravel/Jetstream, it is recommended to use them?
i took a course in Nursery in udemy, where the instructor of the course taught to use the Nursery/ui, I enjoyed a lot!
Just had a few points where I didn’t like it much, I noticed that it requires me to choose between bootstrap, Vue or React!
I know that I can edit the front for my need... but I think it would be difficult for those who are beginners in the Laravel!
I want to start a stock management project, but before starting, I want to get better informed about this issue of authentication in Aravel, because I had some doubts regarding this..
Since the Laravel provides a base structure implemented with a clean design!
I’m sorry to doubt you guys, it’s just that I couldn’t summarize!
1 read the doc, it’s very good. 2 failed_jobs queues that failed. 3 Regardless of which use I recommend digging around to understand (ex Change login with email to username etc) 4. I’ve never had problems and I find a hand in the wheel. In practice it is dealing with layout issues. Take a look at Laravel’s Github ui to get a better view of how things work
– Marcos Xavier