Formatting problem when injecting date into datetime attribute


Viewed 42 times


I need to assign the current date in a field datetime one-paragraph, for that I implemented:


var newDate = new Date(),
date = newDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (newDate.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + newDate.getDate() + " " + newDate.getHours() + ":" + newDate.getMinutes() + ":" + newDate.getSeconds();

$(".container").append("<p id=msg" + id + " class='message' datetime=" + date + ">" + userMessage + "</p>");


When inspecting in the browser the entered information is incorrectly formatted:

<p id="msg1" class="message" datetime="2015-2-23" 11:26:48="">teste</p>

What I need to correct for the result to be like this?:

<p id="msg1" class="message" datetime="2015-2-23 11:26:48">teste</p>
  • 1

    I don’t understand why that question got -1

3 answers


Previous answers will help you. But, to avoid confusion and make the code more readable, always try append as follows:

        id: 'msg'+id,
        datetime: date
  • very good solution. + 1 by organization!


You are not opening and closing the quotes correctly for id and datetime, as they conflict with the append statement. Replace the quotation marks (") by apostrophes ('), or add a bar (\) every quote that will circle a string in the program.

$(".container").append('<p id="msg' + id + '" class="message" datetime="' + date + '">"' + userMessage + '"</p>"');


$(".container").append("<p id=\"msg" + id + "\" class=\"message\" datetime=\"" + date + "\">" + userMessage + "</p>");


Concatenating strings always ends up at some point generating some confusion. That’s why, when this task becomes constant, I usually add a method to the object String of javascript, to facilitate such work.


   // adicionamos o método format a qualquer string do javascript
    String.prototype.format = function () {

        var args = arguments;

        return this.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(match, index){

            return args[index];




And then we use it as follows.

var data = "<p id='msg{0}' class='message' datetime='{1}'>{2}</p>".format(id, date, userMessage )

In this case, the number involved by keys represents the value of the argument, starting with 0, in the method format.

See this example on JSFIDDLE

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