Java Cling Port Redirection


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Hello, I am trying to do port forwarding on my router automatically. For this, I am using the Cling 2.1.2 in Java.
My code:

package teste_cling;


import org.fourthline.cling.UpnpService;
import org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl;

public class RedirecionamentoPortas {
    private static final int PORTA = 3322;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        PortMapping mapeamento = new PortMapping(PORTA, "", PortMapping.Protocol.TCP, "Redirecionamento de Porta TCP");
        UpnpService servicoUPnP = new UpnpServiceImpl(new PortMappingListener(mapeamento));            

         try(ServerSocket servidor = new ServerSocket(PORTA);
             Socket cliente = servidor.accept()) {
             System.out.println("\nO cliente " + cliente.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + " se conectou."); 
         catch(Exception excecao) {

I’m basing myself on this example cling’s own.
The code compiles and executes, but I can’t connect remotely (on another network) with the server on the specified port.
To test whether the door is open or closed, I’m using this website.
I didn’t set the redirect on my router, but Upnp is enabled:
inserir a descrição da imagem aqui
Does my computer need to be wired to the router for Cling’s remote configuration to run? Or is it the same thing to be connected by wi-fi? I tested both ways and it didn’t work.
Exit from the program:

abr 21, 2021 1:15:52 AM org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl <init>
INFORMAÇÕES: >>> Starting UPnP service...
abr 21, 2021 1:15:52 AM org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl <init>
INFORMAÇÕES: Using configuration: org.fourthline.cling.DefaultUpnpServiceConfiguration
abr 21, 2021 1:15:52 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.RouterImpl <init>
INFORMAÇÕES: Creating Router: org.fourthline.cling.transport.RouterImpl
abr 21, 2021 1:15:53 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.MulticastReceiverImpl init
INFORMAÇÕES: Creating wildcard socket (for receiving multicast datagrams) on port: 1900
abr 21, 2021 1:15:53 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.MulticastReceiverImpl init
INFORMAÇÕES: Joining multicast group: / on network interface: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter
abr 21, 2021 1:15:53 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.MulticastReceiverImpl init
INFORMAÇÕES: Creating wildcard socket (for receiving multicast datagrams) on port: 1900
abr 21, 2021 1:15:53 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.MulticastReceiverImpl init
INFORMAÇÕES: Joining multicast group: / on network interface: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
abr 21, 2021 1:16:07 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.StreamServerImpl init
INFORMAÇÕES: Created server (for receiving TCP streams) on: /
abr 21, 2021 1:16:07 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.DatagramIOImpl init
INFORMAÇÕES: Creating bound socket (for datagram input/output) on: /
abr 21, 2021 1:16:07 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.StreamServerImpl init
INFORMAÇÕES: Created server (for receiving TCP streams) on: /
abr 21, 2021 1:16:07 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.DatagramIOImpl init
INFORMAÇÕES: Creating bound socket (for datagram input/output) on: /
abr 21, 2021 1:16:07 AM org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl <init>
INFORMAÇÕES: <<< UPnP service started successfully
abr 21, 2021 1:16:13 AM org.fourthline.cling.protocol.RetrieveRemoteDescriptors describe
ADVERTÊNCIA: Could not hydrate device or its services from descriptor: (RemoteDevice) Identity: (RemoteDeviceIdentity) UDN: uuid:KNKODM2K5000000000000000000000000000075452, Descriptor:, Root: true
abr 21, 2021 1:16:13 AM org.fourthline.cling.protocol.RetrieveRemoteDescriptors describe
ADVERTÊNCIA: Cause was: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; O conteúdo não é permitido no prólogo.
abr 21, 2021 1:16:41 AM org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl$1 run
INFORMAÇÕES: >>> Shutting down UPnP service...

Any tips? Thank you.

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