Call relationship with WITH no Laravel with SUM()


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Good morning, I’m having problems to call the next relationship in Aravel being that it has a Function that makes a sum() and group by and does not have the field of the relation one to one, after notesFatura would have another relation one to one:

$FaturasTransportadoraObj = NotasTransportadoraHeader::select('transportadora_cnpj', 'documento_cobranca', DB::raw('sum(valor_total) as valor_total, count(documento_cobranca) as documento_quantidade'))
        ->with(['notasFatura' => function($query) use ($campo){
                $query->where('uf_destinatario', $campo['uf_destinatario']);
            $query->select('documento_cobranca_header',DB::raw('sum(peso_nota) as peso_total, sum(valor_nota) as valor_total, count(numero_nota) as nota_quantidade,
            sum(valor_frete) as total_frete'))
        ->groupBy('transportadora_cnpj', 'documento_cobranca');

Does anyone know how to get around without creating another relationship? Thank you.

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