Request problem that only falls in catch


Viewed 37 times


I’m working on a new project so I don’t have much control of the code and I’ve reached a problem where the request doesn’t work or returns something where I can’t solve , it just falls into the catch.

This is the function where I call the login function()

override suspend fun authenticate(userCredentials: UserCredentials, callback: AuthView) =
    try {
        when (val result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { login(userCredentials) }) {
            is ResultRemote.Success -> callback.onSuccess(result.response)
            is ResultRemote.ErrorResponse -> callback.onError(result.codError.mapErrorType())
    } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
        Log.e("mistake#6" , "Message:" + throwable.message.toString()  + " LocalizedMessage:" + throwable.localizedMessage.toString()
                + " Cause:" + throwable.cause.toString())


login function

  override suspend fun login(userCredentials: UserCredentials): ResultRemote<UserAccessToken> {
    return try {

        val accessToken = service.login(userCredentials)
            response = accessToken

    } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
        Log.e("mistake#4" , "Message:" + throwable.message.toString()  + " LocalizedMessage:" + throwable.localizedMessage.toString()
                + " Cause:" + throwable.cause.toString())

within the service.login

suspend fun login(@Body login: UserCredentials): UserAccessToken

Log back:

Message: Job was cancelled Localized/ Message:Job was cancelled/ Cause: null
  • userCredentials is this null? According to the message, the cause of the error is "null" - then someone may be null.

  • I just checked and the fields are with data , I tried to remove the request from within the above functions and do the part and it worked however still needed it within the fun authenticate

  • But which Throwable are you giving? You just posted his message.

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