Download XML issued with Nfephp


Viewed 210 times


I’m using Laravel to return the Xmls issued against my client’s CNPJ. It happens that every time I access the webservice of Sefaz, returns xmls of dates I have already downloaded, and I would like you to return from the Ultimo NSU, from what I understand, we keep downloading the xmls that are in the sequence of NSU. Every day comes the same xmls from 3 months ago and I have to stay giving Reload until I get the ones I want. Please someone can tell me what I’m doing wrong. Follow the code:

   public function DownloadNFE()


    //este numero deverá vir do banco de dados nas proximas buscas para reduzir
    //a quantidade de documentos, e para não baixar várias vezes as mesmas coisas.
    $ult_nsu_banco = nfe_ultimonsu::findOrFail('1');

    $ultNSU = $ult_nsu_banco->ultimo_nsu;
    $maxNSU = $ultNSU;
    $loopLimit = 50;
    $iCount = 0;

    $aResposta = array();
    while ($ultNSU <= $maxNSU) {

        if ($iCount >= $loopLimit) {
        try {
            //executa a busca pelos documentos
            $resp = $this->tools->sefazDistDFe($ultNSU);

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
            //tratar o erro

        //extrair e salvar os retornos
        $dom = new \DOMDocument();

        $node = $dom->getElementsByTagName('retDistDFeInt')->item(0);
        $tpAmb = $node->getElementsByTagName('tpAmb')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $verAplic = $node->getElementsByTagName('verAplic')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $cStat = $node->getElementsByTagName('cStat')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $xMotivo = $node->getElementsByTagName('xMotivo')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $dhResp = $node->getElementsByTagName('dhResp')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $ultNSU = $node->getElementsByTagName('ultNSU')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $maxNSU = $node->getElementsByTagName('maxNSU')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $lote = $node->getElementsByTagName('loteDistDFeInt')->item(0);

        $nfe_ultimonsu = nfe_ultimonsu::findOrFail('1');
        $nfe_ultimonsu->ultimo_nsu = $ultNSU;

        if (empty($lote)) {
            //lote vazio

        //essas tags irão conter os documentos zipados
        $docs = $lote->getElementsByTagName('docZip');

        foreach ($docs as $doc) {

            $numnsu = $doc->getAttribute('NSU');
            $schema = $doc->getAttribute('schema');

            $arr_esquema = explode("_", $schema);

            //descompacta o documento e recupera o XML original

            $content = gzdecode(base64_decode($doc->nodeValue));
            //identifica o tipo de documento
            $tipo = substr($schema, 0, 6);
            //processar o conteudo do NSU, da forma que melhor lhe interessar
            //esse processamento depende do seu aplicativo

            $xml_string = simplexml_load_string($content);
            $CNPJ = null;
            $IE = null;
            $dhRecbto = null;
            $dhEmi = null;
            $vNF = null;
            $xNome = null;
            $CFOP = null;
            $tipo = 0;

            if ($arr_esquema[0] == "resEvento") {

                $chNFe = $xml_string->chNFe;
                $CNPJ = $xml_string->CNPJ;
                $arr_dhRecbto = explode('T', $xml_string->dhRecbto);
                $dhRecbto = $arr_dhRecbto[0];
                $response = $this->tools->sefazManifesta($chNFe, $tpEvento = '210210', $xJust = '', $nSeqEvento = 1);
                $tipo = 1;


            if ($arr_esquema[0] == "procEventoNFe") {

                $CNPJ = $xml_string->evento->infEvento->CNPJ;
                $chNFe = $xml_string->evento->infEvento->chNFe;
                $response = $this->tools->sefazManifesta($chNFe, $tpEvento = '210210', $xJust = '', $nSeqEvento = 1);
                $tipo = 2;

            if ($arr_esquema[0] == "resNFe") {

                $chNFe = $xml_string->chNFe;
                $CNPJ = $xml_string->CNPJ;
                $xNome = $xml_string->xNome;
                $IE = $xml_string->IE;
                $arr_dhEmi = explode('T', $xml_string->dhEmi);
                $arr_dhRecbto = explode('T', $xml_string->dhRecbto);
                $dhRecbto = $arr_dhRecbto[0];
                $dhEmi = $arr_dhEmi[0];
                $response = $this->tools->sefazManifesta($chNFe, $tpEvento = '210210', $xJust = '', $nSeqEvento = 1);
                $tipo = 3;

            if ($arr_esquema[0] == "procNFe") {

                $chNFe = $xml_string->protNFe->infProt->chNFe;
                $xNome = $xml_string->NFe->infNFe->emit->xNome;
                $CNPJ = $xml_string->NFe->infNFe->emit->CNPJ;
                $IE = $xml_string->NFe->infNFe->emit->IE;
                $vNF = $xml_string->NFe->infNFe->total->ICMSTot->vNF;
                $CFOP = $xml_string->NFe->infNFe->det->prod->CFOP;
                $arr_dhRecbto = explode('T', $xml_string->protNFe->infProt->dhRecbto);
                $dhRecbto = $arr_dhRecbto[0];
                $arr_dhEmi = explode('T', $xml_string->NFe->infNFe->ide->dhEmi);
                $dhEmi = $arr_dhEmi[0];
                $tipo = 4;
                $caminho_xml = base_path() . "/public/dist/xml/" . $chNFe . ".xml";
                $fp = fopen($caminho_xml, 'w+');
                $result = fwrite($fp, $content);


            $nota_fiscal = substr($chNFe, 25, 9);
            $exist_nfe = nfe::where('chnfe', $chNFe)->first();

            if (isset($exist_nfe->chnfe)) {
                $insert_nfe = nfe::where('chnfe', $chNFe)->first();
            } else {
                $insert_nfe = new nfe;

            $insert_nfe->chnfe = $chNFe;
            $insert_nfe->cnpj = $CNPJ;
            $insert_nfe->ie = $IE;
            $insert_nfe->xnome = $xNome;
            $insert_nfe->digval = $xml_string->digval;
            $insert_nfe->schema = $schema;
            $insert_nfe->cfop = $CFOP;
            $insert_nfe->dhemi = $dhEmi;
            $insert_nfe->dhrecbto = $dhRecbto;
            $insert_nfe->vnf = $vNF;
            $insert_nfe->nota_fiscal = $nota_fiscal;
            $insert_nfe->tipo_xml = $tipo;
            $insert_nfe->data_insere = date('Y-m-d');

        if ($ultNSU == $maxNSU) {
            //break; //CUIDADO para não deixar seu loop infinito !!
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