Is it possible to return all ids from an Elasticsearch search keeping the specified `size`?


Viewed 27 times


It is possible to return all ids of an Elasticsearch search?

I have the following query that most of the time returns in the field ['hits']['total'] more hits than what I specify on size.

As in the example:

query_body = {
    "from": 0,
    "size": 40,
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "should": [
                        "query": 'caderno preto',
            "must": []

My query returns the first 40 hits, but when I print the total of hits I have:

{'value': 426, 'relation': 'eq'}

Is there any way to return all the 426 _id in the consultation keeping the size of the first 40?

1 answer


After some searches I managed to assemble the following query.

GET meuindex/_search
                  "query":"pincel branco bic",
      "Codigo Filter":{

This returns me an aggregation of my codes that are the same as the _id field

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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