Using elements of a Form within a function


Viewed 110 times


I am developing an application in C++ Builder that has a Form which contains elements such as ListBox, buttons, Labels, etc..

I can configure the events of each of these elements (onClick, onEnter, onExit...) inside a file .cpp, but when I try to create a function within this same file .cpp access the properties of the elements (Visible, Enabled, Caption, etc.) get an error:

"Undefined Symbol".

How do I use the elements contained in a Form within a function created by me.

Follow the problem code.

//Função criada por mim, dentro da Unit1.cpp que contem o Form1 no qual está o ListBox1

void funcao(AnsiString parametro){ 

 ListBox1->Items->Add("ItemParaListBox"); //Essa linha gera o erro "undefined symbol ListBox1"


//Função de fastcall realizada para edição de evento do elemento dentro da mesma Unit1.cpp

void __fastcall TForm1::BitBtn11Click(TObject *Sender){

ListBox1->Items->Add("ItemParaListBox"); //Funciona normalmente

  • If you do not put details of how you are using what becomes difficult to answer something.

  • Without having your code it is impossible to guess what the error is. Consider making a minimum verifiable example.

  • Apparently the problem is that its function is not a class method TForm1, and therefore cannot access the members of this class (among them, the ListBox1).

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