Draw characters in variable


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I have a variable with the following content 00:00:01. I want to take out the two points to have the final result 000001. I use the split but the result I have is 00,00,01.

var res = min_time.split(':');

3 answers


Use the function replace(), replacing string. The first parameter is string which must be replaced and the second parameter is what will replace the first. The first parameter accepts both a regular expression as a string. Example:

var teste = "00:00:01";
var teste2 = teste.replace(/:/g, "");

Remembering that when using string it will replace only the first occurrence. Example:

var teste = "00:00:01";
var teste2 = teste.replace(":", "");


So when Voce uses the command split, it breaks the "word" and transforms it into an array, each snippet it finds separated by the delimiter : it will store in an array space, if you want to continue using it in this way, just Voce do the following:

hora = res[2]+''+res[1]+''+res[0];

Important detail: Javascript is very annoying when typing objects, if you simply do something like:


Instead of considering it as a string and concatenate to have the expected result, it will add the parts, because when reading a number, it will interpret as an object of type number, so there’s a need for single quotes...

Note: I recommend using the command replace, according as @Earendul passed ;]


By default, the . toString() of a matrix will use the comma as delimiter, you can also do as follows:

var res = min_time.split(':').join('');

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