Data listing with Laravel


Viewed 54 times


Good night devs!

I need some strength! Here’s the thing.

I am developing an application using the framework.

I have the following models: design and functionality

The business rule of the application is as follows, each project must have one or more functionalities and each functionality should belong to by a project, so I have the relationship 1:n, until then everything right, because I am able to perform the registration, editing, removal ,and the listing of projects and their respective functionalities.

However, I created a link in the list of projects called functionalities, and the idea is that when you click on this link (features) all the features related to a particular project are displayed, for example:

project1 (function A, functionality B) project2 (functionality c, functionality D)

However, that’s where I’m not succeeding, because when I click on the link (features) is displayed all the functionalities of all projects and want to be displayed only the functionalities related to a given project.

Follow the code you can already develop

listagem dos projetos

<div class="card">
        <table class="table table-hover">
        @foreach ($listProj as $item)
                    <a href="{{route('listFunc',['id_projetos'=>$item->id_projetos])}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-info">Funcionalidades</a>
                    <a href="{{route('editProj',['id_projetos'=>$item->id_projetos])}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-info">Editar</a>
                    <a href="{{route('delProj',['id_projetos'=>$item->id_projetos])}}"  class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" onclick="return confirm('DESEJA EXCLUIR O PROJETO ?')">Excluir</a>

controller funcionalidade

class FuncionalidadeController extends Controller
//esse contrutor, tem como proposito redirecionar o usuario para pagina de login, se este não estiver logado e tentar acessar alguma aera do sistema
public function __construct(){

public function listFunc(){
    $listFunc = Funcionalidade::paginate(5);
    return view('AdminTarefaViews.listFunc',['listFunc'=>$listFunc]);

listagem de funcionaliade

<div class="card">
    <table class="table table-hover">
    @foreach ($listFunc as $item)
                <a href="{{route('editFunc',['id_funcionalidades'=>$item->id_funcionalidades])}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-info">Editar</a>
                <a href="{{route('delFunc',['id_funcionalidades'=>$item->id_funcionalidades])}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" onclick="return confirm('DESEJA EXCLUIR A TAREFA ?')">Excluir</a>

1 answer


you have to use the id you have passed $item->id_projetos as a parameter for your list

public function listFunc($id_projetos){
    $listFunc = Funcionalidade::where('id_projeto', $id_projetos)->paginate(5);
    return view('AdminTarefaViews.listFunc',['listFunc'=>$listFunc]);

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