How to save asynchronous function return solved


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To save the result of a solved asynchronous function to a variable to use the result later along the code ?

Example: How do I save function result joinStrings in a variable outside the async function. That, to use it in another part of the code ? That way, how can I have the resolution of the promise saved within the variable reply ?

async function joinStrings(string1, string2) {
    return string1 + ' ' + string2;
async function iniciar() {
    await joinStrings('Nayton', 'Sanches').then(resultado => {;

const resposta = iniciar()

console.log(resposta)     // Promise { <pending> }

Edited Question, after obtained answers.

// Código usado apenas para aprender como salvar o resultado de uma função assincrona.
async function unir(nome, sobrenome) {
    return nome + ' ' + sobrenome;
async function iniciar() {
    const resposta = await unir('Nayton', 'Sanches')
    return resposta
const resposta = iniciar()

//Como é preciso aguardar a resolução de uma função assincrona, ela nunca está disponível imediatamente. Assim, sempre que for preciso usar o retorno dessa função no escopo global é necessário usar o .then
resposta.then(res => console.log(res))

// Como usar em outra função a resposta de uma função assincrona ?
const montarFrase = function () {
    const inicoDaFrase = "Meu nome é "
    const FraseCompleta = `${inicoDaFrase} ${resposta.then(resp => resp)}`
    return FraseCompleta
montarFrase.then(resp => console.log(resp))

So, how to use in another function the response of an asynchronous function ?

  • wait for the Function reset with await: const x = await joinStrings..., now if you want to run the code normally and set the result when the Promise retouch, create a variable outside the scope of Function, global for example, and seven the variable inside Function, before Return

  • let resposta&#xA;&#xA;async function joinStrings(string1, string2) {&#xA; return string1 + ' ' + string2;&#xA;}&#xA;async function iniciar() {&#xA; resposta = await joinStrings('Nayton', 'Sanches');&#xA;}&#xA;//iniciar();&#xA;&#xA;iniciar()&#xA;console.log(resposta) So, created the global variable reply outside the scope of Function, however the return was Undefined

1 answer


You can only use the await within a function async... if that code runs on the global scope (window, or the root of a module) then you have to wait/use the .then and only then will you have the answer:

const resposta = iniciar()
resposta.then(res => console.log(res))

Interestingly the Deno.js and Node 14.3 (Javascript on the server) support await in the global context... maybe this will be supported in the future in the browser too.

Note: I imagine it was for example, but notice that iniciar does not return anything, nor his .then(

  • returned: Undefined

  • @Nay-ton you saw mine nota? your start function returns nothing...

  • I entered a return. Now, how to use in another function the response of an asynchronous function ?

  • @Nay-ton resposta.then(montarFrase) or resposta.then((result) => montarFrase('Frase', result)). In function montarFrase, just use parameters instead of variables that are outside the function scope.

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