Query with Pagedlist


Viewed 135 times


I am using Pagedlist.Mvc for results pagination.

But when doing the following action with the querys:

   public ActionResult Index(int? page, string searchString)
        int pageSize = 10;
        int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
        var query = db.Grupos.AsQueryable();

        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString))
            searchString = searchString.ToUpper();
            query = query.Where(x => x.Nome.ToUpper().Contains(searchString));
        query = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id);

        query = query.Select(x => new Grupo
            Id = x.Id,
            Nome = x.Nome
        if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
            return PartialView("Lista", query.ToPagedList(pageNumber,pageSize));
        return View(query.ToPagedList(pageNumber,pageSize));

I come across the following error when running query.Topagedlist(pageNumber,pageSize):

Additional information: The entity or complex type 'Projeto.Entity.Grupo' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query.

I would like my query to search only the id and name of this group

  • You do it in a action right ? If yes, put the pagedlist in the return together with the object... Type: query.ToPagedList(1, 10); and see if it works. I think that’s it.

  • @Érikthiago I edited my question, that’s how I’m doing it, and still getting the error =(

  • Is it because you’re using twice the x there in your expressions ? Try to change the lyrics to see if it works. I don’t know, but you are often using the query, may be giving conflict.

  • It is not because I use "x" not...if I remove "Select(x= >new .. it works correctly...

  • I get it. Will using the clause Where wouldn’t solve your problem ? Strange, it seems so simple your expression... I do so when I want to search only two data:Aluno aluno = db.Alunos.Include(x => .Ocorrencias) .AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(f => f.AlunoID == id);. And there you make the ordination the way you do there. If you think it is valid to adapt to your scenario.

  • the way you do you search all properties of your class, say, I have a class with 10 properties, Id, name, etc, etc, etc., I want to take only the Id and query, in the database it is faster to select campo1,campo2 from ... than to select * from ...

  • I’m on. But maybe a friend’s answer will do you good !

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1 answer


Make that friend:

query = query.Select(i=> new { Id = i.Id, Nome = i.Nome }).Where(x => x.Nome.ToUpper().Contains(searchString));
  • 1

    Can you comment/explain why this solution would be the answer to the question?

  • Hello Rafael, I can not do so, because the name may or may not come, is not mandatory

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