Block access to Vue js routes if you are not logged in


Viewed 261 times


I am unable to block routes are going through normal without authentication

I am developing a Dashboard and came to doubt how to prohibit access to routes if not logged in, with this, I thought of some solutions that would use localStorage, but, none is a right solution.

What would be the right way to do that? I saw that many people have this doubt, and I couldn’t find a solution to it.

  export default [

    path: '/',
    // Relative to /src/views
    name: 'home',
    view: 'Dashboard',

    path: '/cliente-index',
    name: 'Clientes',
    view: 'Clientes',

    path: '/sistema-index',
    name: 'Sistemas',
    view: 'Sistemas',
    meta: { 
      requiresAuth: true

    path: '/sistema-pastas/:id:descricao:path_padrao',
    name: 'sistema-pastas',
    view: 'Pastas',
     meta: { 
      requiresAuth: true
    path: '/versao-index',
    name: 'Versões',
    view: 'Versao',
    meta: { 
      requiresAuth: true
    path: '/usuario-index',
    name: 'Usuarios',
    view: 'Usuarios',
    path: '/login',
    name: '',
    view: 'Login',
    meta: { 
      guest: true

    path: '/cliente-sistema/:id',
    name: 'Cliente Sistema',
    view: 'ClienteSistema',


router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
    if(to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth)) {
        if (localStorage.getItem('jwt') == null) {
                path: '/login',
                params: { nextUrl: to.fullPath }
        } else {
            let user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'))
            if(to.matched.some(record => record.meta.is_admin)) {
                if(user.is_admin == 1){
                    next({ name: 'userboard'})
            }else {
    } else if(to.matched.some(record => record.meta.guest)) {
        if(localStorage.getItem('jwt') == null){
            next({ name: 'userboard'})
    }else {
  • Is the problem in the above code? With the exception of saving Adm on localStorage, which I don’t recommend, the route blocking you made sense of. What I add is blockade via Interceptor with Axios and middleware in the back end. If you want I can answer with a route lock, with Interceptor and middleware example in the default back end (Node or php).

1 answer


You first need in your state to have a property to be set when the user enters the system after this you need to add sessionStorage in the store

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • This would be very easy to hack, just edit the Storage using the developer tools

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