Browser Chrome x IE Wordpress


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I have some sites on the same server with wordpress in which appear with loading error of certain images, recently I changed a flag on Chrome because some sites like facebook were not loading accents , after changing the special character rendering flag I also installed a font-family package on Chrome, I don’t know if this could have been it then such an error arose, I would not like to reinstall the browser as I would have to change the flags again for optimization, how can I proceed?

  • What font are you using? You can show how the CSS of these icons looks like?

  • Here is working right on Chrome, so it must be even some configuration of your Chrome.

  • Are you sure they are images or icons using custom fonts? You speak in images and talk in font packs...

  • was bad are sources but the error persists , I have no idea how to fix Chrome settings to return in default I believe they linked to my account as soon as I log in to Chrome it absorbs the same errors.. someone has an idea of what to do?

  • I discovered another error, offline the site loads in Chrome with the right sources, already after I upload the error starts, the funny and least worst is that it is only happening in my Chrome, I did the test on another pc with another Chrome with another user and took it quiet

  • OBS.. I have reset flags by default and the same error will be macumba?

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