Query returns empty when executed in Laravel


Viewed 132 times


I am running the following SQL:

select * from `table` where `fields` = PointFromText("POINT(-23.559762 -46.699425)")

When executed directly by the bank returns the id expected to be executed by Laravel to SQL returns


Code in the Laravel.

$data=Model::whereRaw('field=PointFromText("POINT(?)")',['-23.559762 -46.699425'])->get();

What’s wrong with the code above to return [] instead of id expected?

  • Exchange whereRaw for Where and use DB::raw("Pointfromtext(-23.559762 -46.699425)")

  • is because of the quotation marks ['-23.559762 -46.699425'] !!! among the numbers.

  • I’ve tried without the quotes );

  • @B.A makes a Model::all() and puts it on dd for me to see something

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