Filter an array with Vue


Viewed 141 times


Great day to you all!

I’m picking up to a filter where I don’t understand the pq is returning the following error on the console:

"Vue.runtime.esm.js? 2b0e:619 [Vue warn]: Error in render: "Typeerror: vm.polos.filter is not a Function"

Occurs when I uncheck the checkbox "All"...

The structure is in an "app.Vue" file and Cód. is the following...

obs. I can’t leave the webservice link, but it is returning the right values, the problem is when filtering...

import Axios from 'axios'
import _ from 'lodash'

export default {
	name: "poloFilters",
	data () {
		return {
			title: "Polos",
			url: "link do webService",
			current: 0,
			polos: [],
			estados: '',
			selectedPolo: ['All'],
	computed: {
		filteredPolos: function(){
			var vm = this // vm = Vue Model
			var category = vm.selectedPolo

				return vm.polos
				// Aqui da ruim 
				return vm.polos.filter((polos) => {
					var keys = Object.keys(polos)
					var matchFilter = false
					category.forEach((key) => {
						if(polos[key] === true){
							matchFilter = true
					return matchFilter
	mounted () {
		// Chamando os polos colhidos
	methods: {
		//colhendo os polos
		pluckPolos(current = 1){
			this.current += current 	
			const self = this
			Axios.get(self.url, {params: {current: this.current}})
				.then(res => {
					self.polos = {...self.polos,}
					self.filterMap =, function(poloRes){
						return poloRes
				.catch(err => {
					alert("Erro de conexão, tente novamente.")
		<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
		<label for="all"> 
			<input type="checkbox" id="all" v-model="selectedPolo" value="All"> All

		<label for="graduacao"> 
			<input type="checkbox" id="graduacao" v-model="selectedPolo" value="graduacao"> Graduação

		<label for="posgraduacao">
			<input type="checkbox" id="posgraduacao" v-model="selectedPolo" value="posgraduacao"> Pós

		<label for="graduacao20">
			<input type="checkbox" id="graduacao20" v-model="selectedPolo" value="graduacao20"> Segunda Graduação 2.0

		<label for="formpedagogica">
			<input type="checkbox" id="formpedagogica" v-model="selectedPolo" value="formpedagogica"> Formação Pedagógica

		<label for="tecnico">
			<input type="checkbox" id="tecnico" v-model="selectedPolo" value="tecnico"> Técnico

		<label for="idiomas">
			<input type="checkbox" id="idiomas" v-model="selectedPolo" value="idiomas"> Idiomas

		<label for="cursoslivres">
			<input type="checkbox" id="cursoslivres" v-model="selectedPolo" value="cursoslivres"> Cursos livres

		<label for="preparatorios">
			<input type="checkbox" id="preparatorios" v-model="selectedPolo" value="preparatorios"> Preparatorios

			<li>Here we go!</li>
			<li v-for="p in filteredPolos" :key="">{{p.nome}}</li>

		<div class="poloBox">
			<div v-for="p in polos" :key='' class="pBox">
				<img :src="p.image" :alt="p.nome">
				<div class="theData">
					<small v-if="p.semipresencial" class="semiPresencial">{{p.semipresencial ? 'Aqui tem semipresencial' : null }}</small>
						{{p.endereco}}{{p.complemento}} - {{p.bairro}}
							<strong>{{p.graduacao}} {{p.pos ? ' • ' + p.pos : ''}} {{p.cursosLivres ? ' • ' + p.cursosLivres : ''}} {{p.tecnico ? ' • ' + p.tecnico : ''}}</strong>
						<a href="#" class="btn">CONHEÇA AGORA</a>
						teste... <br>

Can someone give me a little help on this issue?

Thank you so much!

  • Within pluckPolos you’re overwriting self.polos = {...self.polos, ....

  • @Sergio in this part, I use the self.polos = {...self.polos,} on purpose, because I end up carrying more poles... so I do "self.polos = {... himself , ... One more list }"... Complementing, every time I call pluckPolos() he adds a new list.

  • 1

    That doesn’t give you an array... you’d have to use [... and not {...

1 answer


Thanks to a colleague of my Job, I was able to understand what was happening...

The vm. was not returning a array and yes another object whose properties were indexed.

I just turned the vm. in array and everything flowed...

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