How to pass array and show in another program


Viewed 96 times


I have the following variable in JS: m_aluno[w_cont_i][w_cont_j][w_cont_k]; Where in each posição hers (0,0,0) i added a value! My question is: "How to take this variable and move on to the next program the same way it is and then add it back to JS so it can display the same way."


//Monta o array
    print("<SCRIPT language=javascript>  
             w_ii = \"$w_cole\"; //valor suposto = 2
             m_aluno = new Array(w_ii); // numero de colegios

             w_jj = \"$w_sala\"; //valor suposto = 2
             for (w_i=0; w_i<=w_ii; w_i++) 
             { m_aluno[w_i] = new Array(w_jj);} // Numero de salas   

             w_kk =  \"$w_mate\"; //valor suposto = 2          
             for (w_i=0; w_i<w_ii; w_i++) 
                 for (w_j=0; w_j<w_jj; w_j++)
                     { m_aluno[w_i][w_j] = new Array(w_kk); } // numero de materias
             w_cont_i = 0;    w_cont_j = 0;    w_cont_k = 0;
             w_cont_cole = \"$w_cole\";    w_cont_sala = \"$w_sala\";    w_cont_mate = \"$w_mate\";

Inserts values according to what the user types:

function f_inse_alun()
w_form ="frm_cad_op1";
w_nome = document.forms[w_form].tx_nome.value;

  m_aluno[w_cont_i][w_cont_j][w_cont_k] = w_nome;

  if (w_cont_k <= (w_cont_mate-1)) // se materia for menor entra
       w_cont_k++;  // incrementa a materia

  if ((w_cont_j <= (w_cont_sala-1)) && (w_cont_k > (w_cont_mate-1))) // se sala for menor entra
     w_cont_j++;  // incrementa a sala

  if ((w_cont_i <= (w_cont_cole-1)) && (w_cont_j > (w_cont_sala-1))) // se colegio for menor entra  
      w_cont_j=0; // sala
      w_cont_k=0; // materia
      w_cont_i++; // incrementa o colegio

 if (w_cont_i > (w_cont_cole-1))
     alert("//chamar o programa para mostrar;");
     //vai ser usado para mostrar no outro form

return true;

Noting that at the last if I mount a call to pass the array, but it was flawed!

  • 2

    you should review your question because it is not clear what you are asking. Send an array to another program? You do not mean function?

  • Yes an array. I mount an array with 3 dimensions where at each position of it I enter a value, I wish I could pass that array! If case got a little confused my question I put the code running!

  • That’s not the question. The question is where you want to send the array

  • Oh yes sorry! I want to pass the array to a next program to be able to display it! Via POST/GET!

  • @Eduardo puts more code and description of the problem. I think you need JSON.stringify(m_aluno) but without knowing more I’m guessing...

  • @Sergio will post the code that mounts the array and adds the positions for better understanding!

  • this question has already been asked and it has already been closed here I believe that editing the original question so that it is in accordance would be better.

  • @Pauloroberto this question is different! Because the doubt I had in the other question I managed to resolve, but this is not the same thing!

  • Both one question and the other I can’t clearly understand what you’re asking, so I can’t tell them apart because to me you’re talking about the same thing, don’t feel offended, I’m just trying to help at the point where you edit your question for a better understanding of it.

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1 answer


You can use javascript’s location, or use post via ajax. There are several ways to work with this array. Another option would be to transform the array into JSON and pass it via GET through the URL using the function JSON.stringify(seuarray) as can be seen here.

So to return the array shape on the other side, by the javascript itself is possible to do using this tutorial.

I will leave some tutorials already answered about the other methods of transposing arrays:

  • That’s just what I needed! Thanks @Khaosdoctor

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