I’m having a question so I can use one array of PHP to display the values within a table. The principle is to store the values in a array and then use a foreach to insert the values within a table in HTML in my view of Laravel. as an example to the code below.
@foreach($dataTable as $dt)
<td class="text-center">
<td class="text-center">
<td class="text-center">
In my controller, I inserted 3 types of array within another array, that I ended up transforming that same array in object, as shown in the example below.
$dataTable[] = (object) ['valor1'=>$valor1, 'valor2'=>$valor2, 'valor3'=>$valor3];
I ended up using a test on my own Controller of Laravel using the following code below to see how the values are being used.
foreach($dataTable as $dt){
The values gave the following result.
{#418 ▼
+"valor1": array:7 [▶]
+"valor2": array:7 [▶]
+"valor3": array:7 [▶]
But mine view with the code HTML, is not working using the values this way. It appears the following error message:
Cannot use object of type stdClass as array
I am using the Laravel framework. Is there any way with the same idea of entering the values in the table that works and is feasible? I tried to go through being an array and not an object and yet the view shows no functionality. Instead, errors like:
htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
I find it strange that inside the controller works right. But inside the HTML with the tables, always persists in the errors.
Displays the code of this controller and the dd of $datatable
– Lucas Antonio