Query using Eloquent multiple fields


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all right?

I would like a help from you to put together a more "elegant" consultation at Laravel. I currently have the following scenario.

I need to check if a client is already registered in my database. For this I can use up to 3 conditions, being by: - email - landline - cellular

Only that these 3 fields often do not come filled in, ie it may be that the client only reported field, or even 2 fields..

But then it gets complicated. For example, if I have only 1 field is easy, just use "Where", but when I have two fields I need to use "orWhere"...

Well, today I made a code that is WORKING, however, I found it extremely ugly... I wonder how I could put together more elegant this.

$customer = Customer::select('*');

        $secondFilter = false;
        $filter = false;
        if (!empty($this->lead['email'])) {
            $secondFilter = true;
            $filter = true;
            $customer = $customer->where('email', $this->lead['email']);

        if (!empty($this->lead['cpf_cnpj'])) {
            $filter = true;
            if ($secondFilter) {
                $customer = $customer->orWhere('cpf_cnpj', $this->lead['cpf_cnpj']);
            } else {
                $customer = $customer->where('cpf_cnpj', $this->lead['cpf_cnpj']);
            $secondFilter = true;

        if (!empty($this->lead['phone'])) {
            $filter = true;
            if ($secondFilter) {
                $customer = $customer->where('phone', $this->lead['phone']);
            } else {
                $customer = $customer->orWhere('phone', $this->lead['phone']);
            $secondFilter = true;

        if (!empty($this->lead['mobile'])) {
            $filter = true;
            if ($secondFilter) {
                $customer = $customer->where('mobile', $this->lead['mobile']);
            } else {
                $customer = $customer->orWhere('mobile', $this->lead['mobile']);

        $customer = $filter ? $customer->first() : false;

        $newRegister = false;
        $this->lead['action_lead'] = 'UPDATE';
        if (!$customer) {
            $newRegister = true;
            $customer = new Customer;
            $this->lead['action_lead'] = 'NEW';

        if ($this->lead['company_id']) {
            $customer->company_id = $this->lead['company_id'];

        if ($this->lead['name'] && $newRegister) {
            $customer->name = $this->lead['name'];

        //update name for differnte lead calltracking
        if ($this->lead['name']) {
            $customer->name = $this->lead['name'];

        if (isset($this->lead['city']) && !empty($this->lead['city'])) {
            $customer->city = $this->lead['city'];

        if (isset($this->lead['state']) && !empty($this->lead['state'])) {
            $customer->state = $this->lead['state'];

        if ($this->lead['email'] && !empty($this->lead['email'])) {
            $customer->email = $this->lead['email'];

        if ($this->lead['cpf_cnpj'] && !empty($this->lead['cpf_cnpj'])) {
            $customer->cpf_cnpj = $this->lead['cpf_cnpj'];

        if ($this->lead['phone'] && !empty($this->lead['phone'])) {
            $customer->phone = $this->lead['phone'];

        if (isset($this->lead['mobile']) && !empty($this->lead['mobile'])) {
            $customer->mobile = $this->lead['mobile'];

        $customer->updated_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

        $this->customer = $customer;

1 answer


I understood well the $filter and $secondFilter...

$customer = new Customer();

// Se tem campo email busca pelo cliente com o email
if (isset($this->lead['email'])) {
    $customer->where('email', $this->lead['email']);

// Se tem campo cpf/cnpj busca pelo cliente com o cpf/cnpj
if (isset($this->lead['cpf_cnpj'])) {
    $customer->where('cpf_cnpj', $this->lead['cpf_cnpj']);

// Se tem campo telefone busca pelo cliente com o telefone
if (isset($this->lead['phone'])) {
    $customer->where('phone', $this->lead['phone']);

// Se tem campo celular busca pelo cliente com o celular
if (isset($this->lead['mobile'])) {
    $customer->where('mobile', $this->lead['mobile']);

 * Tenta acessar o primeiro cliente com as
 * informações preenchidas, senão, cria um novo.
$customer = $customer->firstOrCreate($this->lead);

if the columns in db are equal to the field names it is NOT necessary to assign the values manually:

$customer->name = $this->lead['name'];

the idea is +- this, modify according to your need.

see documentation for more information

  • The Filter and Secondfilter variable helps me because I need to use the OR condition, that is, the way that Cvoce set up all the conditions need to be the same, however, I need to use the OR condition if any is true. And as I mentioned at the beginning, there may be situations where only CPF_CNPJ is filled, or Email, or it may have the 2 values, anyway... using only Where does not solve the problem because one or another condition may have data.

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