Field with different value than expected with Laravel and php


Viewed 57 times


I have a field in the bank of up to 50 characters where I save the access key of a receipt, but when I search the information it brings me a totally different number, what happens?

Schema::create('nfe_table', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->string('nfe_chave', 50);
        $table->string('nfe_serie', 10);
        $table->string('nfe_parc_cpf_cnpj_emit', 18);
        $table->string('nfe_parc_cpf_cnpj_dest', 18);
        $table->string('nfe_desc_nat_op', 200);
        $table->string('nfe_parc_cpf_cnpj_transp', 18)->default("");
        $table->string('nfe_tp_frete', 3)->default(0);
        $table->string('nfe_transp_placa', 9)->default("");
        $table->string('nfe_transp_placa_uf', 3)->default("");
        $table->string('nfe_inf_adic', 1000)->default("");

Model NFE

use Notifiable;
use SoftDeletes;

protected $dates = ['deleted_at'];

protected $table = 'nfe_table';
protected $primaryKey = 'nfe_chave';

protected $fillable = [
    'nfe_chave', 'nfe_numero', 'nfe_serie',
    'nfe_parc_cpf_cnpj_emit', 'nfe_parc_cpf_cnpj_dest', 'nfe_desc_nat_op', 'nfe_dt_emiss', 'nfe_dt_receb', 'nfe_dt_venc', 'nfe_vl',
    'nfe_parc_cpf_cnpj_transp', 'nfe_tp_frete', 'nfe_transp_placa', 'nfe_transp_placa_uf', 'nfe_vol', 'nfe_vol_especie',
    'nfe_peso_bruto', 'nfe_peso_liq', 'nfe_is_recebida', 'nfe_user_id', 'nfe_inf_adic', 'nfe_confirm_receb',

accessing the note object variable in the dd method:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

But accessing it directly with for example:


Bring me this, I don’t understand and I needed to show the key on a receipt form


  • Does your model have a function with the same name as this attribute? I wonder why exactly this happened to me, when I tried to take a value from an attribute, returned me a value other than saved, but it was because I had a relationship function in my model, with this it executed the function q returns another value and not the real value of the attribute.

  • 1

    It is a new feature not yet created methods to bring within the model! and continues to bring me a value that is not saved, very strange! funny that it is the only field bringing me incorrect value and method dd(); it brings me the correct value but at the time of using and brings me a different value!

  • Do the same test with another invoice.

  • All with the same problem and I need the access key so I can use it to check the notes! only that I do not understand is that for all the notes he shows me the same value ( 9223372036854775807 ), from where he picks up this number?

  • Worst of all, I’ve done a lot of research and I can’t find anything!

  • Put your whole function where it happens. Remove this code from Migration leaves only the code where the problem happens.

  • I created an outline solution but if someone can give me a light, the access key is my primary key, I created a field as key copy, and as it is not the primary brought me the correct value! I don’t know why it happens!

  • Since I can’t comment yet, please send the Model NFE code and the listing code please.

  • I’ll try to ask the question!

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