Laravel error when creating serves


Viewed 53 times


Hello, I’m having problems creating the serve in the Server with the command (php Artisan serves) it presents this error. The project is created inside the php folder of Xampp, because I could not create a project in another random folder, apache is active, but still with the error.Segue erro na imagem

1 answer


Note that your server is created and functional, the error is already part of your project. Note that according to the Laravel documentation, prerequisites are required on the server for everything to work properly. It seems that your server does not have Openssl Active or installed. Example of Laravel 5.3 requirements:

  • PHP between 5.6.4 & 7.1.*
  • Openssl PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Note, activating the extension in php.ini:

  1. Go to your php.ini (which is used by xampp)
  2. Remove the semicolon before Extension=php_openssl.dll
  3. Restart your Apache
  • I am with Openssl on the computer and set as environment variable, even so, continue with this problem

  • your php.ini has the snippet: Extension = php_openssl.dll uncommented??

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