Heroku can’t find my email view file


Viewed 31 times


I have a Windows application hosted in Heroku, this application has a function that sends an email to a user using a Windows that is inside the Resources/views/emailrecruitment folder.:

public function enviaEmailRerutamento(Request $request){

    $data = array(
        'id_usuario' => $request->id_usuario,
        'emailContato' => $request->emailContato,
        'mensagem' => $request->mensagem,

    Mail::send('emailrecrutamento', $data, function ($message){
        $message->from('[email protected]', 'Nova solicitação de privilégios')->subject('Ação necessária no sistema Cade Meu pet');
        $message->to('[email protected]');

    return response()->json("Obrigado pela inscrição, entraremos em contato em breve", 201);

The problem is I’m getting:

message: "View [emailrecrutamento] not found."

My gitignore does not have the Resources folder:

  • Checked if you have the . php because the file name would not be Resources/views/emailrecrutamento.blade.php?

  • changed but not found in the same way, everything works normal on the site @Sylviot

  • Try to rotate a php artisan clear-compiled

  • @Sylviot tried, same problem

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