Calculate total quantity, price and discount and total totals


Viewed 113 times


cannot create the total result of Quantity * value_unitario - discount, and also the sum of these totals, of the table that is related.


    public function servico()
    return $this->hasMany(Servico::class);

public function cliente()
    return $this->hasOne(Cliente::class, 'id', 'cliente_id');

public function ordemservico()
    return $this->hasOne(OrdemServico::class);


    public function exibir($id)
    $orcamento = Orcamento::where('id', $id)->with('cliente')->with('servico')->first();
    return $orcamento;

In the related table with('servico'), the columns, "quantity, value_unitario(decimal:8,2)", "discount(decimal:8,2)" need to multiply quantity by value_unitario and subtract by discount if it exists, and sum all the total values, to show in the VIEW the total of each, and the total of all.

1 answer


You will need to use a query with the selectRaw or select(DB::raw sum(seucampo) as seurotulo).

An example of the way I did in a project;

$products = DB::table('products')
    ->join('order_product', '', '=', 'order_product.product_id')
    ->selectRaw(', products.sku,, products.brand, sum(order_product.quantity) as sales_quantity, products.stock')
    ->orderBy('sales_quantity', 'DESC')

return response()->json($products);

Laravel Documentation - Raw Expressions

  • top understood, I’ll adapt to my code, thanks bro

  • Shooow man! Anything we are there.

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