es.json contains an invalid Laravel JSON structure


Viewed 23 times


I have the file es.json:

"You are not allowed to do this": "No se te permite hacer esto",
"Error uploading the image": "Error al subir la imagen",
"Something went wrong, please contact support": "Algo salió mal, póngase en contacto con el soporte",
"File deleted with success": "Archivo borrado con éxito",
"Save": "Salvar",
"Close": "Cerrar",
"Delete": "Borrar",
"Created at": "Creado en",
"Actions": "Acción",
"m/d/Y H:i": "",
"m/d/y": "",
"See more...": "Ver más...",
"Search...": "Buscar...",
"Attachments": "Archivos adjuntos",
"High": "Alta",
"Medium": "Medio",
"Low": "Baja",
"Status": "Estado",
"Priority": "Prioridad",
"Logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"Login": "Iniciar Sesión",

"Client inserted with success": "Cliente creado con éxito",
"Client updated with success": "Cliente actualizado con éxito",
"Client deleted with success": "Cliente eliminado con éxito",
"Client": "Cliente",
"Create Client": "Crear cliente",
"Update Client": "Actualizar cliente",
"Delete Client": "Eliminar cliente",
"Are you sure that you want delete this client?": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este cliente?",
"Clients": "Clientela",

"Comments": "Comentarios",
"Comment": "Comentario",
"Comment inserted with success": "Comentario creado con éxito",
"Comment updated with success": "Comentario actualizado con éxito",
"Comment deleted with success": "Comentario eliminado con éxito",
"Write a comment...": "Escribir un comentario...",
"Delete Comment": "Eliminar comentario",
"Are you sure that you want delete this comment?": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este comentario?",

"Messages": "Mensajes",
"Message": "Mensaje",
"Message inserted with success": "Mensaje creado con éxito",
"Message updated with success": "Mensaje actualizado con éxito",
"Message deleted with success": "Mensaje eliminado con éxito",

"News": "Noticias",
"News inserted with success": "Noticia creada con éxito",
"News updated with success": "Noticia actualizada con éxito",
"News deleted with success": "Noticia eliminada con éxito",
"Create News": "Crear Noticia",
"Update News": "Actualizar Noticia",
"Delete News": "Eliminar Noticia",
"Are you sure that you want delete this news?": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta noticia?",
"No news was found": "No se encontraron noticias",

"Reports": "Informes",
"Report": "Informe",
"Report inserted with success": "Informe creado con éxito",
"Report updated with success": "Informe actualizado con éxito",
"Report deleted with success": "Informe eliminado con éxito",
"Create Report": "Crear Informe",
"Update Report": "Actualizar Informe",
"Delete Report": "Eliminar Informe",
"Are you sure that you want delete this report?": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este informe?",

"Tickets": "Tickets",
"Ticket": "Ticket",
"Ticket created": "Ticket creado",
"Your ticket was successfully created.": "Su ticket fue creado con éxito",
"Ticket inserted with success": "Ticket creado con éxito",
"Ticket updated": "Ticket actualizado",
"Your ticket was updated.": "Su ticket fue actualizado",
"Ticket updated with success": "Ticket actualizado con éxito",
"Ticket deleted": "Ticket eliminado",
"Your ticket was deleted.": "Su ticket fue eliminado",
"Ticket deleted with success": "Ticket eliminado con éxito",
"Create Ticket": "Crear Ticket",
"Update Ticket": "Actualizar Ticket",
"Delete Ticket": "Eliminar Ticket",
"Are you sure that you want delete this ticket?": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este ticket?",
"Show completed tickets": "Mostrar tickets completados",

"Message Board": "Tablero de Mensajes",
"Create Message": "Crear Mensaje",
"Update Message": "Actualizar Mensaje",
"Delete Message": "Eliminar Mensaje",
"Are you sure that you want delete this message?": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta mensaje?",

"My Profile": "Mi Perfil",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",

"Name": "Nombre",
"Enter the name": "Ingrese el nombre",
"E-mail": "E-mail",
"Enter the e-mail": "Ingrese el e-mail",
"Image": "Imagen",
"Password": "Contraseña",
"Enter the password": "Ingrese el contraseña",
"Unit": "Unidad",
"Enter the unit": "Ingrese el unidad",
"Notes": "Notas",
"Say something about the client...": "Escriba algo acerca del cliente...",
"Language": "Idioma",
"English": "Inglés",
"Portuguese": "Portugués",
"Spanish": "Español",
"English Title": "Título en inglés",
"Portuguese Title": "Título en portugués",
"Spanish Title": "Título en español",
"Enter the title": "Ingrese el título",
"English Message": "Mensaje en inglés",
"Portuguese Message": "Mensaje en portugués",
"Spanish Message": "Mensaje en español",
"Enter the message": "Ingrese el mensaje",
"English Description": "Descripción en inglés",
"Portuguese Description": "Descripción en portugués",
"Spanish Description": "Descripción en español",
"Enter the description": "Ingrese el descripción",
"Title": "Título",
"Description": "Descripción",

"Hello": "Hola",
"To access it": "Para acceder haz",
"click here": "clic aquí",

"sProcessing":    "Procesando...",
"sLengthMenu":    "Mostrar _MENU_ registros",
"sZeroRecords":   "No se encontraron resultados",
"sEmptyTable":    "Ningún dato disponible en esta tabla",
"sInfo":          "Mostrando registros del _START_ al _END_ de un total de _TOTAL_ registros",
"sInfoEmpty":     "Mostrando registros del 0 al 0 de un total de 0 registros",
"sInfoFiltered":  "(filtrado de un total de _MAX_ registros)",
"sInfoPostFix":   ".",
"sSearch":        "Buscar:",
"sUrl":           ".",
"sInfoThousands":  ",",
"sLoadingRecords": "Cargando...",
"sFirst":    "Primero",
"sLast":    "Último",
"sNext":    "Siguiente",
"sPrevious": "Anterior",
"sSortAscending":  ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera ascendente",
"sSortDescending": ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera descendente"


already I saw it in jsonlint and it is in perfect condition. However Laravel keeps accusing that its structure is wrong.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If I put the file en.json (which is the English translation) it also from the error. being that when it pulls the file en.json it works perfectly.

Does anyone know what it can be?

  • JSON is actually valid. You can try to remove unnecessary spaces and line breaks. Sites that format JSON can help.

  • Didn’t work either!

  • Please which code uses this, your question is to tell where you are using it or is it automatic? how is this inserted in the Framework...

  • The problem was solved, it was the encoding that was wrong, it was like UTF-8 with BOM, I switched to only UTF-8 and it worked normally, I must remove the question, or answer it?

No answers

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